RSS/BJP Is Destroying Democracy through Overt Populism and Covert Dictatorship


The RSS/BJP is the “Brahmin-Bania” fort. The RSS was started by the Brahmins, for the Brahmins, and it truly for Brahmins. So when the RSS/BJP came to power in the disguise of a coalition to make India Congress-free, it was riding on a big anti-incumbency wave. Thanks to the “Brahmin” dominated media and “Brahmin-Bania” dominated economy, the victory was pulled up popping up a demogogue like Modi. Since RSS/BJP got the power, not on the plank of Hindutva or Brahmin-Bania leadership, it is in the fix and a lot of contradictions started emerging which must force our attention and see for ourselves how damaging it is to our democracy. But before we go on to our discussion, the RSS/BJP is also trying to create opinions against democracy itself.

On Farmers

The farmers form the backbone of Indian society and to a larger extent the base of India’s economy. The farmers are majorly from the OBC caste and dominant Shudra castes. The Dalits do not have ownership of lands. Because of the lack of “farm policies” for the farmer’s development, the farmers throughout India have been facing a lot of difficulties.

Most of the farmers are debt-ridden, thanks to the ill-conceived economic policies. The modernisation of the agriculture is a big issue, but also one of the biggest issues is the lack of institutional and infrastructural efforts to make agriculture play an important role in Economy. The RSS/BJP Government’s concentration is on “Brahmin-Bania” businesses if we match it in terms of the Government’s efforts. The investment scene in this country, the wooing of foreign investors, and changes in the policy regime has everything to do with making bigger the non-merit good sector. The farmers are only lured through the populist policies and various schemes that only makes them dependent on the state. We see the results. There are agitations all over India, and in Mandasaur, MP, the Police opened fire on the agitating farmers killing 5 farmers.

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The farmers all over India are threatening agitation. Maharashtra saw fierce agitation of farmers. Their demand is that the loan should be waived. When Mr. Bist came to power in UP, he waived farmers loan in UP to appease the OBCs/farmers due to suspicious elections, thus draining out the state treasury, claimed the media, but in many ways, the Indian economy is drained, just think about Rs. 40,000 Crores NPA of Reliance Telecom, and Mallya’s open loot of Indian economy and India’s citizens. It is not impossible to tweak India’s economy to favour all the stakeholders, but the Brahmin-Bania mindset of the RSS/BJP does not let it do so. That is why the majority of the farmers, who are OBCs, are at the receiving end.

The important contradiction in India today is that the Brahmin-Bania are conscious of their gains as “Brahmin-Bania”, but the OBCs/Shudras are not conscious of their plight because they are “OBC/Shudras”. The serious-minded people can bring so many reforms in the agricultural sector that the whole lot of farmers can be made rich.

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Monetary Policies

The RSS/BJP employed too many experts, but the decision makes are only a few. For example, the so-called “note-bandi” which destroyed India’s growth rate, was the ill-conceived move. Even to date, it is difficult to know how many notes are finally deposited in the Indian treasury. Indian economy is marked with low productivity.

The sure way to increase productivity is education. It has been proved by the examples of other countries that education is an important factor that raises the productivity. So mere tweaking the monetary and fiscal policies without bringing any fundamental and structural changes in the Indian economy, the majority of the people will not be benefited.

So far, the RSS/BJP is only doing cosmetic changes and fundamental changes are absent. Because the fundamental changes mean making the labour market more productive, which imply that the more and more people should become skilled and have employability. This means the destruction of the caste system which doesn’t allow equal access to the market to all. It means providing education to all. However, the Government is only busy in changing the indices to project that it is doing something.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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  1. 1

    We are going through covert dictatorship in this country under the constitution. This is constitutional tyranny. Even in some states not especially under BJP rule.

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