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CategoryAs The Lotus Blooms, Love Glooms
Author – Dr Jas Simran Kehal
The urge for affectionate relationships with a person of individual choice is one of our basic and fundamental necessities. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of basic…
3 Questions Of Dr Ambedkar To Communists That They Have Failed To Answer
There are two or three questions which I have always asked my communist friends to answer and which, I must frankly say, they have not been able to answer. They establish by means of violence what …
Book Review – I Could Not Be Hindu – A Story of Dalit in the RSS
By – Hemraj P Jangir
Bhanwar Meghwanshi, a renowned Ambedkarite activist, writer, and journalist from Rajasthan does not need much introduction. His work in the field of Dalit activism and the A…
Where Are The Indian Communist Parties When Millions Of Workers Are On The Streets?
By the time I am writing this article, 85,940 people across the country are in the grip of coronavirus and 2752 people have died. While on one side the country has been closed for the last one and …
Do Not Believe In Fate, Believe In Your Strength – Babasaheb Ambedkar
Thane District Conference was held at Kasara on Saturday, 18th February 1933. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar presided over the Conference. Dr. Ambedkar reached Kasara at 8 pm. by car from Bombay. Mr. Shivtarka…
Some Important Quotes From ‘Annihilation of Caste’ Book
On the eve of 84th anniversary of Annihilation of Caste by Dr B R Ambedkar, I am compiling the famous quotes of Dr. Ambedkar from his “Annihilation of Caste”. If you have not read it yet, please …
साहेब कांशी राम के जीवन पर एक संक्षिप्त रेखाचित्र
भारत में बहुजन इंक़लाब लाने वाले साहब कांशी राम का जन्म 15 मार्च 1934 को उनके नैनिहाल गाँव पिरथी पुर बुंगा साहिब, जिला रोपड़, पंजाब में हुआ था, उनका अपना पैतृक गाँव खुआसपुर, जिला रोपड़ (अब रूपनगर), पं…
Modi’s Jumla Politics – Vicious and Vindictive
When thousands of migrant workers were walking hundreds of miles to reach their native places because of no money and no job due to lockdown, Modi and his think tank sat for a discussion as to how …
बुध्द का ब्राह्मणीकरण और ओशो रजनीश
बुद्ध का ब्राह्मणीकरण भारतीय बाबाओं योगियों गुरुओं का सबसे बड़ा और सबसे प्राचीन षड्यंत्र रहा है. इस संदर्भ में आधुनिक भारत में ओशो के द्वारा चलाये गये सबसे बड़े षड्यंत्र को गहराई से देखना समझना जरुरी…
बहुजन समाज के लिए मैलकम X के संघर्ष को जानना क्यों जरूरी है?
Malcolm X(एक्स ), नस्लीय असमानता के खिलाफ जंग छेड़ने वाला महान अफ़्रीकी-अमरीकी योद्धा।
अमरीका में नस्लीय असमानता के खिलाफ लम्बा संघर्ष हुआ, जिसमें कई महान नेताओं ने अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाई। इन सब मे…
Flyer Published Before Mahad Satyagraha In 1927
Public Announcement For the people attending the Mahad Satyagraha
Those attending the Satyagraha at Mahad beginning on 25-12-27 are hereby requested that they carry with them a plate, a tum…
Hindu Mahasabha, ‘Fallacious’ ‘Propaganda’ ‘Deceptive’ Organisation – From the Pages of Bahishkrit Bharat
The following appeared in Bahishkrit Bharat on Friday, 4th Nov 1927 under the heading of “Current Issues”. The original text is in Marathi and translation to English is done by Prashant Bhaware. Th…
Must Watch Documentary “Sangharsh. Times of Strife” – Story of Dalit Panther Activists in Uttar Pradesh
Author – Pardeep Attri
‘Sangharsh’ is a documentary made by Nicolas Jaoul, a French anthropologist, who provides a grassroots glimpse into Dalit politics in Uttar Pradesh.
Shot in the late 19…
Swami Acchutanand and Adi-Hindu Movement
As a prominent ideologue and leader of the Adi-Hindu movement of early 20th century, he proclaimed an autonomous identity for the then Untouchables. Swami Acchutanand (1879-1938).
Written by…
Buddha and Importance of His Political Philosophy in Today’s World
Before we jump to any conclusion, let us understand one thing that it is easy to showcase oneself in a good manner in peace times but the true picture of oneself is revealed in turbulent times. Cov…