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- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his Newspaper – A Historical Perspective by Dr. Prabodhan Pol
Dr B R Ambedkar
CategoryDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his Newspaper – A Historical Perspective by Dr. Prabodhan Pol
Talk summarized by Nioshi
In this talk, Dr. Prabodhan Pol speaks about the significance of newspapers to the Ambedkarite Movement, and how Ambedkar’s newspapers have played an important role in …
A Few Important Points From Prof Anil Dongre’s Talk On ‘Democracy’
Summarized by – Nioshi
This talk takes a journey to understand the importance of Ambedkar in understanding the meaning of democracy in our country.
Understanding Democracy
- The bitter t…
Babasaheb Ambedkar – The Birth-giver of Social Justice
“Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government”. – Dr B.R. Ambedkar
The t…
A few key takeaways from Prof Sukhadeo Thorat’s talk on ‘Reservation for Tomorrow’
Summarized by – Nioshi
Why is the reservation policy used and what is its need?
- The reservation policy is developed for the discriminated groups.
- ‘Discrimination’ is when a group of peopl…
A Few Key Points From Anoop Kumar’s Talk
Summarized by – Ravikant
- Bahujan students are discriminated in elite colleges— their weakness in English is shown as proof of lack of merit. They can’t complain to teachers because teachers al…
Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Warning To The Untouchables
Revolt and rebellion against the Established order is a natural part of the history of the poor in all countries of the world. A student of their history cannot but be struck by the thought enterta…
A Few Main Ideas from Rahul Sonpimple’s Talk on Post Ambedkarite Leadership
Summarized by Ravikant
The talk handles two broad arcs:
- ‘Leadership’ theories and Indian traditions, and comments on the Dalit Movement and its Leadership
- History of Dalit movement and i…
3 Questions Of Dr Ambedkar To Communists That They Have Failed To Answer
There are two or three questions which I have always asked my communist friends to answer and which, I must frankly say, they have not been able to answer. They establish by means of violence what …
Do Not Believe In Fate, Believe In Your Strength – Babasaheb Ambedkar
Thane District Conference was held at Kasara on Saturday, 18th February 1933. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar presided over the Conference. Dr. Ambedkar reached Kasara at 8 pm. by car from Bombay. Mr. Shivtarka…
Some Important Quotes From ‘Annihilation of Caste’ Book
On the eve of 84th anniversary of Annihilation of Caste by Dr B R Ambedkar, I am compiling the famous quotes of Dr. Ambedkar from his “Annihilation of Caste”. If you have not read it yet, please …
बुध्द का ब्राह्मणीकरण और ओशो रजनीश
बुद्ध का ब्राह्मणीकरण भारतीय बाबाओं योगियों गुरुओं का सबसे बड़ा और सबसे प्राचीन षड्यंत्र रहा है. इस संदर्भ में आधुनिक भारत में ओशो के द्वारा चलाये गये सबसे बड़े षड्यंत्र को गहराई से देखना समझना जरुरी…
Flyer Published Before Mahad Satyagraha In 1927
Public Announcement For the people attending the Mahad Satyagraha
Those attending the Satyagraha at Mahad beginning on 25-12-27 are hereby requested that they carry with them a plate, a tum…
Hindu Mahasabha, ‘Fallacious’ ‘Propaganda’ ‘Deceptive’ Organisation – From the Pages of Bahishkrit Bharat
The following appeared in Bahishkrit Bharat on Friday, 4th Nov 1927 under the heading of “Current Issues”. The original text is in Marathi and translation to English is done by Prashant Bhaware. Th…
Thoughts on Ambedkarites and Buddhism
In today’s age of capitalist globalised society, people from downtrodden communities are embracing and following Dr Ambedkar more than ever in history. Young minds from these communities are respon…
Revisiting the Poona Pact
Even after 75 years, the Poona Pact remains the biggest obstacle for the emergence of an autonomous and strong Dalit political leadership.
“Whatever is wrongly settled is never settled and …