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Dalit History
Categoryमहान समाज सुधारक महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले
ज्योतिबा फुले का जन्म 11अप्रेल, 1827 को पुणे में “गोविंदराव” और “चिमना बाई” के यहाँ एक “माली” परिवार में हुआ था। ज्योतिबा एक महान क्रांतिकारी, समाज-सेवी और विचारक के रूप में विख्यात हुए। ज्योतिबा म…
एक अनोखा युद्ध – भीमा कोरेगांव
अधिकतर लोगों ने 300 फिल्म तो देखी ही होगी। लेकिन कभी अपने भारतीय इतिहास के ऐसे ही युद्ध के बारे मे पढ़ा है? दुनिया के इतिहास में ऐसा युद्ध ना कभी किसी ने पढ़ा होगा और ना ही सोचा होगा, जिसमें 28,000…
129वीं बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जयंती पर चिंतन
हम बहुत ही अनिश्चित और अजीबोगरीब माहौल में प्यारे बाबासाहेब की 129 वीं जयंती मना रहे हैं। भीम जयंती को एक मेगा सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम के रूप में मनाया जाता है और यह पूरे भारत और दुनिया के कुछ हिस्सों …
Flyer Published Before Mahad Satyagraha In 1927
Public Announcement For the people attending the Mahad Satyagraha
Those attending the Satyagraha at Mahad beginning on 25-12-27 are hereby requested that they carry with them a plate, a tum…
Remembering lyothee Thass – Pioneer of the revival of Buddhism in India and beyond
Today (5th May) is the death anniversary of the great Buddhist leader lyothee Thass. He died on 5th May 1914. He left behind the vast movement, literature, and leaders. Like most of his writings ar…
Remembering Babasaheb Ambedkar On His Birth Anniversary
As far as Indian society is concerned, Ambedkarism is human emancipation. Ambedkarism, in essence, is a theory of liberation for all Indians, even if it appears to be on the side of the oppressed c…
9 Ideas On Celebrating Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Under Lockdown
For many of us, Babasaheb Ambedkar’s birthday is the biggest celebration of the year, followers of Babasaheb Ambedkar had started celebrating his birthday in large numbers even when Babasaheb was a…
Mahad Satyagraha: First Revolt for Right to Water
It was hot summer of 2016, in the drought-hit village of Vidarbha, Washim district, a Dalit man named Bapurao Tajne had to dig own well in order to fulfil the need of WATER for his family. Bapurao …
Tribute To Saheb Kanshi Ram, Voice For India’s Outcasts
Kanshi Ram Ji, who as the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party in India achieved some success in mobilizing the voting power of the Bahujan, died on Monday, October 9, 1006, in New Delhi, India, at t…
हकीकत बन रहा साहब कांशी राम का “बहुजन समाज”।
6000 से ज़्यादा जातियों में बटे हुए OBC, SC, ST और इनमें से धर्म परिवर्तित लोगों को एकजुट करने के लिए, जिस “बहुजन समाज” की सोच साहब कांशी राम ने बनाई थी, अब वो हकीकत बनती जा रही है।
देश की आबादी …
Happy 3rd Birthday To Velivada :-)
Jai Bhim friends,
We are pleased that Velivada website has turned 3 years old today and it would not have survived without the kind support from the community. We started the Velivada website in…
काळाराम मंदिर प्रवेश संघर्षाच्या ९० वर्षानंतर दलितांसाठी काय बदलले?
२ मार्च २०२० या दिवशी बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली झालेल्या काळाराम मंदिर प्रवेश चळवळीचा ९० वर्षे पूर्ण झाली. अस्पृश्य समाज हिंदू (ब्राम्हणवादी) धर्माचा भाग मानला गेला, अजूनही तोच समज आहे…
Remembering D. K. Khaparde Saheb (Founder of BAMCEF)
“Creating people who can think is a sort of revolution. BAMCEF in the last 20 years, has created such people. This is its greatest achievement.” – D. K. Khaparde
The post-Ambedkar social movem…
Remembering Lahuji Raghoji Salve
Today (17th Feb) is the anniversary of Lahuji Raghoji Salve, also known as ‘Krantiveer’ (Brave Revolutionary) ‘Vaastad’ (Master) Lahuji Salve. He was an activist, thinker, social reformer and revol…
04 Feb 1889: Phule’s Adopted Son, Dr. Yashwant Married to Radha, Daughter of Sasane
04 Feb 1889: Phules adopted son, Dr.Yashwant was married to Radha the daughter of Sasane.
The Satyashodhak Samaj (The Truth-Seekerís Society) was established on 24 September 1873, and Savitribai w…