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CategoryWhy India Needs Independent Judiciary?
There is a growing debate in India about the Judiciary and its role. The successive judgements of the SC have created a kind of euphoria over the Judicial activism in our country. The SC is the cus…
“The Constitution is Our Dharma”
When the constitution of India was promulgated and India chose to place the “Dhamma Chakra”, the wheel of the Dhamma, on the Indian national flag, a famous Buddhist monk, Lama Govind, wrote that th…
Vedic Education in India – RSS/BJP Wants to Push India Into Dark Age
As the great John Dewey said, golden age lies in the future, not in the past. The India’s upper castes have always been trying to invent that lost age in India: the Golden Vedic period. If we study…
Why was Narendra Dabholkar Killed? For Challenging Hindu Orthodoxy
Narendra Dabholkar was assassinated by the far-right forces in India. Far Right in India has been posing a great danger to India as a nation. Why was Narendra Dabholkar killed?
He was trying to …
An Open Letter to AUD – The Many Ways a Student Can be Violated by an Institution
I am no more a student of Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD). My right to education has been obstructed. This letter lists out the reasons which have kept me from pursuing my education at AUD. It’s be…
मुझे भविष्य का समतामूलक समाज दिखाई दे रहा है – सूरज कुमार बौद्ध
देश को तथाकथित नजरिए से ही सही पर आजाद हुए 70 साल हो चुके हैं लेकिन भारत की बहुसंख्य आबादी आज भी दाने दाने को मोहताज है। भारत की गिनती आज भी भूखमरी से पीड़ित देशों में होती है। राष्ट्रभक्ति, देशभक्…
Interrogating the Savarna Self – Managing Casteism in the Grab of ‘Merit’
Reservations to thik hai, magar merit se compromise karna thik nahi
A friend of mine tells me about the implementation of reservation policy in educational institutes. A sensible person can read…
प्रसव वेदना – एक कहानी
चमारों का गांव ना सड़क ना कोई मरघट। गांव से शहर की तरफ जाने वाली सड़क तक पहुँचने के बीच तकरीबन ढेड़ किलोमीटर खेतों की पगडंडियों से गुजरकर जाना पड़ता था।
श्रावण का महीना था, बरसात हो रखी थी कि फु…
Climate Change and Caste
In the recent flood in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, 1200 people got killed and millions got displaced. The rise in global temperature increases the capacity of the air to hold and carry more water…
RSS/BJP to Review Welfare Policies for SCs, STs, and OBCs and Deny Radical Policies of Reservation
It is not difficult to know the intentions of the RSS/BJP as it is historically true that the RSS was set up to counter the rising movement of the non-Brahmins. The Brahmins ideologues like Tilak w…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP Through News Analysis (The Backward Classes)
The slips are not innocents and when India’s Finance/Defense Minister talks about “carrot and stick” policy, we can surmise that it is the general policy of the RSS/BJP ideologues which they apply …
भगत सिंह और उनके साथियों ने किया था साइमन कमीशन का विरोध जिस को बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर ले कर आये थे
जून, 1928 में भगत सिंह का एक “अछूत का सवाल” नामक लेख “किरती” पत्रिका में छपा था। इस लेख में वो सिंध के “नूर मुहम्मद” साब जो बंबई परिषद के सदस्य थे, उनके एक 1926 में दिए गए वक्तव्य का समर्थन करते है…
Carrot and Stick Policy of the RSS/BJP
In the upcoming state elections in Tripura, the RSS/BJP is planning to woo 30 percent OBCs in the state. Out of them, 90 percent belong to Nath and one other dominant caste. The RSS/BJP will focus …
Quashing Reservation in Promotion – RSS/BJP Backstabbing Backward Classes
The Delhi High Court quashed the reservation in promotion and went against the OM of the Union Government yesterday. This is completely against the powers of the High Court to quash the promotions …
Ignorance of Caste or Deliberate Lapse
In the Sunday Express, P. Chidambaram (PC), India’s famous Congress politician who officiated important posts like Commerce Minister, Finance Minister, and Home Minister wrote a small piece on cast…