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- Dr. Ambedkar’s Opinion on Indian Census and Why There Should Be Caste-Census in 2021
CategoryDr. Ambedkar’s Opinion on Indian Census and Why There Should Be Caste-Census in 2021
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar expressed his opinion on Indian Census on 26th October 1947, as follows: Editors.
“The Census of India has over a number of decades ceased to be an operation in demography. It…
How Culture Creates the Caste
The great semiotics of our times, Umberto Eco, wrote an important paper in Italian in 1996 titled ‘How Culture Colors the Way We See’. This paper examines how the culture creates the colors we see….
No, Mr Shivam, Mayawati Should NOT Give Up Her PM Ambitions
In his latest article on ThePrint, Shivam Vij is saying Mayawati should give up her prime ministerial ambitions and her best place is a sutradhar (someone who strings together these disparate beads…
Replacing Babasaheb Ambedkar with Deendayal Upadhyay Shows BJP’s Hatred Toward Babasaheb Ambedkar
The RSS/BJP Government in UP is bullish on pushing Deendayal Upadhyay, the founder of the party organization for the RSS. His birth anniversary was celebrated with much pomp by the Union government…
प्रतिक्रांति की दार्शनिक पुष्टि : कृष्ण और उनकी गीता – बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर की कलम से
प्राचीन भारत के साहित्य में भगवद्गीता का क्या स्थान है? क्या यह हिंदू धर्म का उसी प्रकार का एक धर्मग्रंथ हैं, जिस प्रकार ईसाई धर्म की बाइबिल है। हिंदू इसे अपना धर्मग्रंथ मानते हैं। अगर यह धर्मग्रंथ…
सचिन वालिया को समर्पित कविता: सचिन की शहादत
सचिन की शहादत
भीड़ की शक्ल में
तुम कायर राजपूतों ने
छिपकर गोलियां चलाई
भीम आर्मी सचिन पर।
तुम बहुत मुग़ालते में हो,
तुम्हें लगा कि हम वीरान हो गए
आसमां से गिरकर समशान हो गए।
सचिन की शहादत इंक…
Sharing Experiences and Building Bridges to Connect Marginalized
The remarkable social mobilization of SCs and STs on the 2nd April 2018 was historic. Never in the history of India, so many millions have risen together against the violation of their rights. Yet,…
The Cunning Casteism of ‘The Brahmin’
An invite came over my feed the other day.
“Please join us to celebrate the release of ‘THE BRAHMIN” a novel by Ravi Shankar Etteth over canapes, cocktails and kalaripayatu on Wednesday 10th May…
Why Christianity Failed in India
Just a casual look at the history of the Indian church reveals how the missionaries tolerated and accepted caste horrors of the caste system. But there is/was, taking deep roots in the life and pra…
Kulin (Polygamy) System Of Bengal Was Meant For Supremacy Of Brahmins
Author – Dr. K. Jamanadas
The idea of this Kulin System was only to create the population who accepts the domination of Brahmins and observe strict caste rules. What this has led to can be seen …
Searching For Top Castes – Why Indians are Obsessed with Castes?
One of my foreign friends recently asked me why Indians are so much obsessed with the caste and colour?
A society where your status is decided based on the caste, where caste kills and caste rul…
#DalitsAdivasisResist – 1st May to be Observed as “National Resistance Day’ Against the Supreme Court Judgment on SC-ST Act
Dalits and Adivasi organisations from all over the country have planned to take to the streets on May 1st, which is also a Labour Day. Dalits and Adivasi organisations have decided to observe 1st M…
When Renaming ‘Gol Chowk’ to ‘Sambhidan Chowk’ Made so-called Upper Castes Angry & Killed Dalit
Dalit brother, 19yr old, Yaswant Bobby died. He was injured in Phagwara (Punjab). On 13th April, so-called upper castes had attacked Dalits with guns when Dalits had put sign-board of Dr Ambedkar a…
In Dalit History - Legal Protections: The SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989
For a successful revolution, it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity, and importance of political and social righ…
Representation Through Reservation
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”- Albert Einstein.
The History of Reservations:
Caste Based Reservation in India…