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Velivada is Giving Away Books. Get One and Join Us!


To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Velivada and remembering Saheb Kanshi Ram on 15th March, we gave away 25 copies of book Mahad: The March That’s Launched Every Day

Continue to support us so that we can keep on distributing more books to our readers! 🙂

Jai Bhim!

—– The following was our fourth books giveaway ——

On the birth anniversary of Ramabai Ambedkar, we gave away 5 copies of “We Also Made History – Women in the Ambedkarite Movement

This giveaway was specifically for Dalit-Bahujan women.

Continue to support us so that we can keep on distributing more books to our readers! 🙂

Jai Bhim!
Team Velivada
7th February 2020

—– The following was our fourth books giveaway ——

With your support, we ran our 4th books giveaway on the 100th anniversary of Mooknayak, the newspaper started by Dr Ambedkar, and gave away 22 copies of the book “What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me“! Thank you for your support.

Continue to support us so that we can keep on distributing more books to our readers!

Jai Bhim!
Team Velivada
31st January 2020

—– The following was our third books giveaway ——

In our 3rd books giveaway, we are pleased to send 30 books to Nalanda Academy. Books which we sent included some of the classic readings of all times to competitive examination books to biographies. Books written by Sun Tzu, Dale Carnegie, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, Stephen Hawking, Rudyard Kipling, Ruskin Bond etc were sent to Nalanda Academy. Hope students will love reading those!

Continue to support us so that we can keep on distributing more books to our readers!

You can also support Nalanda Academy.

Jai Bhim!
Team Velivada
02 Sept 2019

—– The following was our second books giveaway ——

Update – All following books are gone now! We will be back soon with another giveaway. Enjoy reading.

We are back with our next giveaway! With the generous support of a friend, in this #VelivadaGiveAway we are giving away following 13 books. If you would like to get more books related to Buddhism and Dr Ambedkar, follow Step by Step Guide to Get Free Buddhism and Dr Ambedkar Books Delivered at Your Home. Or you could download Dr Ambedkar’s book in PDF here.

Follow the following 2 steps to get a book from the second #VelivadaGiveAway

Step 1 – Share this post with hashtag #VelivadaGiveAway on Twitter/Facebook or any other social media that you use. Not a necessary condition though, you can skip to step 2 if you don’t want to share but we would love if you do and help us spread the word! 🙂

Step 2 – Pick one book that you would like and submit your request here along with your complete postal/shipping address and mobile number. [For more detailed information, see bold text below, under our first giveaway.]

  1. Defying the Odds: The Rise of Dalit Entrepreneurs – Gone
  2. Annihilation of Caste (2 Copies) – Gone
  3. Castes in India (2 Copies) – Gone
  4. Mahishasur: A People’s Hero [English] – Gone
  5. The River Speaks – Gone
  6. What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me – Gone
  7. Mahad: The March That’s Launched Every Day (2 Copies) – Gone
  8. Indian Freedom Movement and RSS: A story of Betrayal – Gone
  9. Know the RSS: Based on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Documents – Gone
  10. Brahminism: Weapons To Fight Counter-Revolution – Gone

If there will more than 13 requests from friends for books, we will contact the first 13 people who will submit the request. Preference will be given to those who didn’t get any book in earlier giveaways. Sorry, we know that we’re gonna disappoint some of you as last time as well there were a lot more requests for books than we had in our stock/capacity but hope you will understand and continue to support us.

Enjoy reading and please share the books with others after reading. You can send us a review of the book as well and we will be happy to publish. 

Jai Bhim!

Team Velivada
31 August 2019

———- Following was our first giveaway ———-

We are pleased to announce that with the kind support of a friend (who really wants to stay anonymous and we can’t thank him enough!), we are able to give away following books to our readers! We understand there could be various reasons those restrict Dalit-Bahujans from not being able to buy books to read, so since inception, it was one of our plans to give away as many books as possible to Dalit-Bahujans.

Finally, after almost 2 years since we started the website, we are here with our first books giveaway (12 books) and we couldn’t be happier than ever. We won’t be more pleased with what we have achieved in a short span with the support of the community. Velivada would not have been able to do anything without your kind support and love. We dedicate this giveaway to all our readers and writers who have contributed a lot with their writings and helped us in spreading the content.

If you’re interested in this project, we invite you to join and support us to spread knowledge and remove as many obstacles as possible in front of Dalit-Bahujans. Especially, if you are a publisher or writer, we invite you to join us to this giveaway that we would love to continue in future as well. As a writer/publisher you will get a free book review, so a win-win situation for everyone!

If you’re interested in reading any of the following books, send us an email at or submit your request here to get a copy of the book. Please email/send us the name of the book you are interested in and your complete shipping/postal address along with the mobile number and email. Send us your Facebook or Twitter id as well so that we know that the book is going in right hands. (In fact, send us as much detail as you can so that delivery service doesn’t face any issue. We will be ordering these books for you from Amazon.) Please don’t post your contact details in the comments section, we will not approve that for your privacy and security reasons.

If possible (not a necessary condition to get a book), we would love to hear from you after you’ve read the book. Send us a short review of the book and we will be happy to publish that on our website with full credit to you.

One last thing, we can order book for those only who have Indian postal address. First come, first served. Go, get your copy before someone else grabs it! We will update the list once someone takes a book.

Please pick one book only, we can’t send all the books to one person at the moment.

Here is the list of books that Velivada is giving away in the first instalment! #VelivadaGiveAway

  1. Annihilation of Caste (2 Copies) – Both Gone
  2. Castes in India (2 Copies) – Both Gone
  3. Mahishasur: A People’s Hero [English] – Gone
  4. Defying the Odds: The Rise of Dalit Entrepreneurs – Gone
  5. Ayyankali: A Dalit Leader Of Organic Protest – Gone
  6. Indian Freedom Movement and RSS: A story of Betrayal – Gone
  7. Know the RSS: Based on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Documents – Gone
  8. What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me – Gone
  9. Why were Women Enslaved? – Gone
  10. Mahad: The March That’s Launched Every Day – Gone

We hope you will enjoy reading these books and share with others after reading the books. If you would like to get more books related to Buddhism and Dr Ambedkar, follow Step by Step Guide to Get Free Buddhism and Dr Ambedkar Books Delivered at Your Home. Or you could download Dr Ambedkar’s book from here.

Let us know in the comments section what do you think about the project of giving away books and what else we can do to improve the website! If you are interested in writing on Velivada, send us your articles as well.

Jai Bhim!
Velivada Team
29 August 2019

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  1. 3
    Susanta Kumar Jagadala

    Heartiest thanks to VELIVADA
    Also I have sent an email

  2. 5
    Ankit Chaturvedi

    Hi people,

    I have always wanted to read ‘Annihilation of Caste’ by Dr. Ambedkar. Can I have the book please, it’ll be an honour to get the book from you guys. You are doing some amazing work here.

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