India Ranks 15th (Highest Ever!) Most Dangerous Place to Live for Christians

The Open Doors World Watch list highlights the 50 countries where it is most difficult to live as a Christian. Open Doors, a charity working to raise awareness about the persecution of Christians worldwide ranks India 15th most dangerous place to be a Christian. What an achievement by fanatic Hindus!! We all should be ashamed of all these attacks on minority communities in India.

According to Open Doors, worldwide persecution of Christians has risen for the fourth year in a row, with Asia, particularly, showing a rapid rise. As Hindu nationalists batter the churches, India climbs to its highest ever ranking of 15. It’s a dangerous trend for all peace loving citizens of India and these fanatic Hindus are defaming the reputation of India at international level.

It is not a coincidence but well thought out plan by BJP/RSS government that systematic targeting of minority communities have increased after Modi came to power in 2014.

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They started targeting minority communities with ‘Ghar Wapsi’ propaganda and later PM Modi declaring Christmas to be celebrated as ‘Good Governance Day’ instead of Christmas to further spread the Hindutva propaganda while attacks on Christians, churches and even on Christian schools in Delhi and all over India continues.

List of top 50 countries where Christians face most persecution

List of top 50 countries where Christians face most persecution, India ranks 15th, highest ranking ever, making the most dangerous place for everyone to live in India.

While Christians continue to teach these fanatic Hindus in their schools but in return, they got only attacks.  India has seen persecution levels rise dramatically in the last four years with up to 15 violent attacks on Christians every week in 2016, according to Open Doors. Open Doors partners have recorded 252 attacks on Christians in India so far in 2017, with 80 taking place in March alone.

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As Hindu nationalists batter the churches, India climbs to its highest ever ranking of 15th most dangerous place to be a Christian!

It is a high time for Christian schools to focus on Dalits’ education in remote areas rather than spending their energy, money and time on trying to educate fanatic Hindus. Only Dalits and minority communities can stop India turning into a Hindu Rashtra.

Everyone has the freedom to practice whatever religion they want to practice and it is the responsibility of government to provide safety for everyone. Present government have failed miserably to provide a safe environment for Dalits and minority communities. Almost every day, there are a number of attacks which are reported and large numbers of attacks on Dalits and minority communities are left unreported.

Dalits and minority communities must join hands to fight Hindutva ideology. Either we fight and live together or die alone at the hands of oppressors.

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  1. 1

    “Only Dalits and minority communities can stop India turning into a Hindu Rashtra.” Tell me how on earth can you make India a place desirable to live with Islam (minority in India) as its religion. You want to turn it into a camel urine drinking country like Saudi Arabia from a cow urine drinking country. I don’t see any difference. Do you? But there is another religion solely responsible for civilising the uncivilised, Christianity. Its influence on India was enormous. Please do not generalise all minority religions in India. We do have a problem with Hinduism. But the solution does not lie in another idiotic religiopolitical ideology masquerading as religion, Islam. Both are equally evil. PERIOD.

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