[Poem] Speak up Against Discrimination of All Kinds


Woke up, worship a deity with weapons, respect; then spoke to a domestic helper with no respect

Went to school, came the teacher, we respect; then came, the Peon, no respect

Went to a hospital, came the doctor, respect; then came, the ward boy, no respect

Went to a temple, saw idols with silk sarees, respect; came a mendicant with soiled clothes, no respect

Went to a super market, saw the owner, respect; went to a street vendor, no respect

Swachh Bharat, once came a celebrity, respect; sachh bharat mein, came the scavenger daily, no respect.

Travelling on a bus, came a Brahmin, respect; the same bus then came an African/Dalit, no respect.

At a college, met the entrance topper, respect; the same college, then met the last ranked, no respect

At bus stop, came a beautiful fair lady, respect; same bus stop, now came, a gay, no respect

Brahmin came for a rent, again respect; Muslim/Dalit for same rent, no respect

Woman wearing a saree, respect; the same woman wearing a short dress, no respect

Delhi gang rape, protests everywhere, respect; same gang rape of Adivasi or Dalit, no respect, no protests

English-speaking, respect; No English, no respect

Slim, fair, stylish, beautiful girl, respect; stout, dark, shabby girl, no respect

6′ feet, dark guy, respect; same dark guy of 5 feet, no respect

Bridegroom, a businessman and millionaire, respect; same person with no money and job, no respect

Daughter loves a guy of same Caste, respect; daughter loves a guy of different Caste, no respect

Went to police station, no support, no respect; went with politician support, respect

In a church/temple, sing and pray before everyone, respect; in same church/temple, don’t sing and pray, no respect

Marriage with filmy costumes, celebrations, respect; same marriage with no such glitter, no respect

A woman walking on the road daytime, respect(?) Woman on the same road at night, no respect

A businessman for a bank loan, respect; same bank, Dalits, small farmer for loan, no respect

Entrance exam topper of upper caste, respect; same exam topper from Dalit, no respect

Children pursuing higher education, respect; children stopped education to work, no respect

Army soldier, when quiet, respect; same army soldier, when complaint, no respect

Praise the religion, respect; criticise the same religion, no respect

Export Beef, respect, Eat Beef, no respect

Unmarried and remarried woman, no respect, woman choosing someone to marry, also no respect

Politician, a star actor, actress, IAS, IPS, Professor, Doctor, Engineer, scientist, Author, Teacher, study abroad, government job, Marry NRI all upper castes, then respect…more respect…

Scavenger, daily wage labourer, farmer, peon, domestic helper, mendicants, Watchmen, class four jobs, Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims …oh list is so long….no respect …..no…no way… true… if you want respect, be in the upper list… otherwise,

“these structured prejudices dismay you.” The business of respect!

Speak up against discrimination of all kinds!

Author – Sowmya

Read also –

In Search of Community – Away from Caste and Gender Discrimination

Nation Divided on Castes Cannot Stand and Walk, Forget Development

Foundation For Human Horizon – End Caste Discrimination by 2030: A Call of Action to United Nations

Socio-Cultural Discrimination as the Violation of Human Rights – An Overview

15 Ways Caste Discrimination Affects Dalit Students

Read also:  16 January in Dalit History - Dr. Ambedkar: I am not asking for any special favour

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