Appeal To Support Nalanda Academy, Wardha
Dear Friends,
We are now in our third week of the new batch 2019-20. We have 230 students studying with us, at present, coming from 15 states across the country, from rural areas, no…
Caste Issue and the Media Coverage
A video went viral of Sakshi Mishra, daughter of BJP MLA- Rajesh Mishra, in which she can be seen, asking for protection from her father and his henchmen who are allegedly opposing her marriage to…
Caste in Indian Judiciary
Caste is entrenched into every institution under the constitution of India. Judiciary is no exception. But due to lack of proportionate representation to the citizens from the various diverse group…
Homage to Buddhist Panther – Raja Dhale
People of my generations in the Ambedkarite families grew up listening stories about Dalit Panthers. Raja Dhale was a prominent panther. The spirit of Dalit Panther is still needed, and perhaps mor…
The Significance of 1972’s ‘Black Independence’ and Remembering Raja Dhale
It was the year 1972, India was celebrating its 25th Independence Day. On that same day, a young Dalit man had written ‘controversial’ article named -Black independence (Kala Swatantrya Din) in ‘Sa…
31 विशेषाधिकार, जो सिर्फ ब्राह्मणों को हासिल हैं
1) अगर मैं ब्राह्मण हूं तो समाज में मुझे आदर मिलेगा और मेरे नाम के साथ जी या पंडित जोड़ा जाएगा
2) अगर मैं ब्राह्मण हूं तो मुझे देश की किसी भी हाउसिंग सोसायटी में घर मिलने में दिक्कत नहीं होगी.
Knowing Our History to Create History
In 2003, in the parallel history conference organized by S. K. Biswas in New Delhi, I heard Kashiram Saheb advising the scholars in the audiences to study the history of the last 200 years very…
Strategies That We Can Draw From Periyar’s Life and Mission to Counter Hindutva
After his death, Periyar invokes fear in the minds of Brahmins/Hindutva forces and mixed response among the Dalits in Tamil Nadu. Any person and his actions can be understood only with the understa…
Why Read Babasaheb Ambedkar
Patrick French, the author of India: a portrait, is fascinated by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. He even counts Essential Writings of Babasaheb Ambedkar as a must-read to know India. He also describes the …
Stopping the Epistemic Violence of Caste
Caste manifests into social, economic, and political violence. It perpetuates a fear among the people against whom it is stacked. This silent violence manifests into actual violence in the form of …
Padmapani: Art as an enlightened experience
Art is as much an emotional activity as it is an intellectual activity. It also reflects the intention of the artists, thus the art has a potential to invoke deeper emotions, sharp intelligence, an…
The Questions of King Milind: Manual for Discussion and Communication on Buddhism
The Questions of Milind (henceforth, QoM) is a record of the dialogue between Milind, the great learned Greek king, and Nagasena, the great learned Buddhist monk. Their philosophical, geographical,…
मण्डल-कमण्डल की महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाओं को समेटे हुए एक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज।
मा.कांशी राम साहब के ऐतिहासिक भाषण, खण्ड -7 की समीक्षा
मण्डल-कमण्डल की महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाओं को समेटे हुए एक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज।
कुछ ही दिन पहले, मा.कांशी राम साहब के ऐतिहासिक भाषण का सातवां खण्ड…
The Historic Meeting of Ambedkar, Jinnah and Periyar
By – K. V. Ramakrishna Rao, B.Sc., M.A., A.M.I.E., C.Eng.(I)., B.L.
A paper presented during the 21st session of South Indian History Congress held at Madurai Kamaraj University from 18 to 20 Ja…
चायवाले से पकोड़ेवाला बनने के लिए…
चायवाले से पकोड़ेवाला बनने के लिए
बात-बात पे नाटक करने के लिए
मुझ मक्कार को वोट दो, वोट दो, चौकीदार को वोट दो
भाइयो बहनो, मित्रो ! आपके पैसो से विदेश घूमने के लिए
गाय को विश्वम…