जानिए पसमांदा मुसलमानो के बारे में
संविधान की धारा 341 में राष्ट्रपति अध्यादेश, 1950 द्वारा ग़ैर-हिन्दू दलितों को एससी लिस्ट से बाहर कर दिया गया था. 1956 में सिख दलितों और 1990 में नवबौद्ध दलितों को लिस्ट में वापिस शामिल कर लिया गया….
Constitution Is Not Fascist, People Are
Every constitution in the world has biases in favor of dominant (so-called majority) communities. That is why there have always been pressures to include protective or affirmative measures for cult…
CAA, NCR और NPR द्वारा दलितों को पुनः गुलाम बनाने की चाल
भारत में पिछले कुछ समय से CAA, NCR और NPR के विरुध देश भर में विरोध प्रदर्शन हो रहे हैं. शुरु में लग रहा था कि संघी सरकार ने अपने एजैंडे के अनुसार यह ’’मुस्लिम-विरोधी’’ कानून बनाए हैं परन्तु एक दिन…
Segregated Schools Will Not Help Dalits But Further Elevate Educational Inequality
On 20th January, news broke out about the proposals central government is considering to set up 150 Ambedkar Navodaya Vidyalaya as on the lines of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) for scheduled c…
Dr Ambedkar’s Last Speech In The Constituent Assembly On Adoption Of The Constitution
The Honourable Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : Sir, looking back on the work of the Constituent Assembly it will now be two years, eleven months and seventeen days since it first met on the 9th of December 194…
Dwight Goddard’s Buddhist Bible and the Buddha and His Dhamma written by Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dwight Goddard was a Christian missionary in China and spent one year in a Zen Monastery. His book, the Buddhist Bible, is considered as the key text for the emerging Zen in America at that time. B…
Shiv Sena Making Compulsory Reciting Preamble to Constitution Won’t Whitewash Its Crimes Against Bahujans
The Maharashtra government led by Shiv Sena on Tuesday (22 January 2020) ordered that school students across the state must recite the Preamble to the Indian Constitution. A state government circul…
Remembering Rohit Vemula: Asserting Self-Respect and Dignity
The context of this piece that above the same quote (Remembering Rohit Vemula: Asserting Self-respect and Dignity) we organized one event in our campus and after that when the differing ideological…
Panther Within Every Dalit
The year 1973 marked the highest number of atrocities against Dalits, most brutal, inhumane. In independent India after the constitution, all kind of inequalities was abolished, everyone irrespecti…
The Scar, An Antidote For Dalit Assertion and Emancipation!
I am an untouchable
My whole body is filled with the scent of the earth My whole life’s filled with the sorrow of veTTi,
My eyes are filled with the heat of the sun,
My head is covered wi…
How Bramhins Conceal Their Inhuman, Cruel and Cunning Deeds By Using The Name and Imagery of Buddha ?
Not so long ago when the Indian Prime minister, Narendra Modi, a lifelong staunch stalwart cadre of RSS, the paramilitary organization running an age old Bramhinical divisive ideology across the wo…
What Can We Learn From Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr (MLK) was revolutionary who tried to liberate not only his people but also America. So long as any human being is despised, the entire human race is despised and hence liberat…
Babasaheb Ambedkar and Vasubandhu – Philosophizing For Unity of Buddhism
‘The Buddha and His Dhamma’ book written by Babasaheb Ambedkar is full of references from various Buddhist texts. The study of texts from different schools of Buddhism to cull out what can be essen…
Join First Chhattisgarh State Ambedkarite Doctors’ Conclave
Here is an appeal from doctors forum from Chattisgarh:
Respected doctors,
We cordially invite you for the ‘First Chhattisgarh State Ambedkarite Doctors’ Conclave’, to be held on 9th February …
18 Ways To Sterilize Anti-Social Seeds (Brahminism)
(Translation of Marathi article published in ‘Samrat’ Bahujan daily from Mumbai, dated: 27/08/04 under the caption ‘Samajik Vishamtechya Bijanchi Nasbandi, authored by Deepak Salve, translated into…