The ‘Privilege’ That Shrouds Encounter of a Brahmin Gangster
Author – Kalyani
The encounter of gangster Vikas Dubey has thrown open many questions and debates. The mainstream media has discussed the many facets of the encounter including the authenticity …
Why Brahmins Should Abolish Birth Based Reservation – Reply to Mr. Markandey Katju
1. The birth based reservation allows only a few percentages of Brahmins to join lucrative and lazy job like priesthood in temples. Rest of the Brahmins are left to become terrorists like Vikas…
Indian Patriarchy – An Intersection of Caste, Class and Gender
Author – Dr. Amritpal Kaur
The human social organisation has evolved through a series of stages: animal-like sexual promiscuity was followed by matriarchy (rule of the mother), which was in turn…
Government Scholarships for SCs, STs and OBCs to Pursue Higher Studies in India and Abroad
The focus on affirmative action policies in the popular discourse often zeros down to reservations. Currently, reservations are the strongest form of affirmative action which need to be vehemently …
Remembering Mariamma Chedathy – Dalit Folk Artist From Kerala
Author – Sheeja Radhakrishnan,
Mariamma John – better known as Mariamma Chedathy – was a well known Dalit folk artist in Kerala. Mariamma Chetathi who worked in a college as a sweepe…
The Dalit Panthers and the Black Panthers – Brief historical backgrounds of two revolutionary movements
Author – Umang Kumar
In 2017, a premier institute for African-American history and culture based in New York, the Schomburg Center, held an exhibition titled “Black Power.” The exhibition docum…
The Vedic Prescription – Notes on the Curriculum and Historiography in the domain of a Nationalized Knowledge Production
Author – Prateek Ranjan Jha
Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about con…
ACDA welcomes California’s action against Cisco Systems Inc on Caste discrimination
This is a great precedent set by Californian regulators legal action against Cisco Systems Inc., that is accused of not protecting an employee subjected to Caste discrimination by two other members…
An Armchair Bahujan Review of Banias Talking Caste
An Introduction
Ever since the early days of Indology patronizingly nurtured under the colonial gaze, we have seen countless Savarna attempts to infer, interpret, dialogue and report on Bahujan …
[Poem] He, the Untouchable (Sacrifice of Centuries)
He, the Untouchable
(Sacrifice of Centuries)
He sat there looking into space,
He did not dare to look at anything specific
Lest he be misunderstood for being arrogant,
Caste and Nationalism
Author – Sarthak Mehra
“India is a peculiar country and her nationalists and patriots are a peculiar people. A patriot and a nationalist in India is one who sees with open eyes his fellow men tr…
Lockdown Photo – Stories: Visualising the Everydayness of ‘New Normal’
Photographer – Banshanlang Marwein
Documenting photo stories isn’t easy as it seems because it takes a whole lot of your sharp attention of moments to capture the daily mundane and picture them …
Manu Must Fall But Who Should Strike The First Blow? Brahmin.
After the slave trader Edward Colston was rolled into the harbour in Bristol, the United Kingdom, at the beginning of the June, there has appeared a few articles about the long-lasting demand that …
शाहूजी महाराज को याद करते हुए
बहुजन महानायकों में एक “शाहूजी महाराज” का आज ही के दिन 26 जून, 1874 में जन्म हुआ था। शाहूजी महाराज एक सच्चे समाज-सुधारक और प्रजातंत्र पर विश्वास रखने वाले व्यक्तित्व के धनी थे। शाहूजी महाराज पर अंग…
How Twitter Got Blindsided By India’s Still-toxic Caste System
Authors – Hari Bapuji and Snehanjali Chrispal
Twitter chief Jack Dorsey’s first visit to India had been going so well. He got to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi (an avid Tweeter with 44.5 mill…