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Dr B R Ambedkar
Categoryयूपी की राजनीति और लोहिया-आंबेडकर
बीसवीं सदी के इन दो महान चिंतकों के विचारों का समावेश करके बन सकता है आधुनिक समाज और देश
–दिलीप मंडल
बाबा साहेब भीमराव आंबेडकर और राममनोहर लोहिया ये दो नाम भारतीय राजनीति में कई मायने में एक…
Now ‘Ramji’ is Added to Dr Ambedkar’s Name, Let’s Revisit What Dr Ambedkar Wrote About Rama in His Book ‘Riddles in Hinduism’
Following excerpt is taken from Dr Ambedkar’s book “Riddles in Hinduism”.
(This is a 49-page typed copy placed in a well-bound file along with the MS of ‘ Symbols of Hinduism ‘. This riddle does…
Hindutva Politics – Messing Up With Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Name
BJP/RSS led government in Uttar Pradesh passed an order that from now onward Dr Ambedkar’s name in official documents would insert “Ramji”. It is nothing new but BJP/RSS is working on the same ideo…
Role of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Women’s Liberation
A lot is being talked about the liberation of women. Lots of women’s liberation organisations have sprung up in India. From their style of functioning it appears that they are trying to give a symp…
Dr. Ambedkar As A Journalist
As part of his struggle spanning over 4 decades, Dr. Ambedkar always used print media of his own as one of the instruments to achieve his goal of emancipating the untouchables. Even in 1920 when he…
Water and Revolution – Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahad
If we trace the intellectual history of Babasaheb Ambedkar, we can notice that by the year 1927, he had already read extant theories of many disciplines. He also came up his own theory of caste and…
Babasaheb Ambedkar – Rebel, Reformer or a Revolutionary
Ambedkar was definitely a Rebel – when he had himself chosen to lead a crusade against the well-established & accepted social norms of the Society. In that, he chose to question & violate the clear…
Baba Saheb Ambedkar, SCs & STs and Railways
Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar – Yes, Dr Ambedkar for the World, Baba Saheb for the Nation, Messiah for SC&ST Dalits – is still called the Leader of the Dalits, Leader of only the SC&ST Dalits. For some, he…
Transcript of Dr Ambedkar’s 1953 Interview with BBC – When Dr Ambedkar Said Democracy Won’t Work in India
Recently BBC released a part of the video of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s interview with BBC. You can find that video at the end of this post. Here I present the transcript of the interview of Dr. B. R. Am…
On Babasaheb’s Death Anniversary
Babasaheb Ambedkar was against the heroes and hero worship, but he agreed that the history is the biography of the great men and women. History is the creation of human mind as much as it is the bi…
Using Dhamma to study Dhamma – Babasaheb Ambedkar’s approach to Buddhism
There are many Buddhisms in the world. It is classified based on a nation such as Thai Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism, and it can give wide-ranging classifications as X-Buddhism. X can be the name of …
Wallpapers – Babasaheb Ambedkar
We got these following wallpapers from friends who wanted to share these with others. In case you always have some important information/images etc to share with others, please send us.
Sajókaza Dreams!
A Dzsaj Bhím Közösség hívott meg engem (Pardípet), Bharát és Swatit, hogy látogassuk meg az iskolájukat és a szervezetüket, és hogy részt vegyünk azokban a tevékenységekben, amelyeket azért végezne…
डॉ. अम्बेडकर का मूल चिंतन है स्त्री चिंतन
अभी तक दलित महिला आन्दोलन गैर दलित महिला आन्दोलन से जुड़ने व उनके साथ मिलकर काम करने में विश्वास रखता था। पर गैर दलित महिला आन्दोलन की सवर्ण मानसिकता से ग्रसित स्त्री नेता दलित महिलाओं से भेदभाव करत…
Interview with the Violin Teacher of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Friends while surfing the net today I came across an item in the Marathi paper Maharashtra Times which may be of interest to you. This is an interview conducted by Mr. Ramakant Jadhav of Mr. Balwan…