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CategoryDalit Writers – Struggle Against Social Discrimination
Dalit writers are gaining prominence in modern literature. But their beginnings were not all that easy. They had to endure social stigma and isolation from society, especially the upper castes.
New research on Aryan Migration: Political Challenge to Hindu Nationalists Led by the Brahmins
In an interesting development in the ,research field, it has been now proved that the “Brahmins”-the priestly classes in India came from “outside” of India. This is strongly established not only by…
Babasaheb Ambedkar and Importance of His Thoughts to the Contemporary Society
On the eve of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s 127th birth anniversary, people throughout India will organise various programs and arrange public talks. This is happening in every place where the people are be…
Obsession with Oppressed Abroad: Psychological Guilt of India’s “Self-Declared” Upper Castes
The remarkable development in relationships between the two communities of African Americans and India’s Dalits reached the pinnacle in the recent years. Their association and solidarity is natural…
Communist Manifesto: Reading it in the Context of “Caste Struggle”
Communist manifesto: reading it in the context of “caste struggle” on the eve of the 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx
The year marks the 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx. He was born on …
Impact of Hindu Caste Divisions on Other Religions
It is a well-known fact that Hindu religion has deep caste divisions. This is one of the major cause of Dalits and other backward caste people willing to convert to other religions like Christianit…
Maya Kodnani Metamorphosis From “Kingpin” of Naroda Patiya Riots to “Doubtful” Role
The Gujarat HC acquitted Maya Kodnani, the former state minister in Gujarat, in the infamous Naroda Patiya riots in Ahmedabad where 97 Muslims were killed in 2002, after the Godhra massacre in Febr…
Bharat Bandh and the Dalit Struggle Against Dehumanization
Author – Pieter Friedrich
How Dalits are still, today, waging a centuries-old struggle against a system which denies them the basic dignity of identification as human beings on an equal level wi…
Urgent Alert – The State and the Upper Castes are Terrorizing Dalits in Rajasthan
There are many reports coming in from different parts of North India that the administration and the upper caste hooligans are jointly combing the people and terrorising the peaceful demonstrators …
2 अप्रेल को भारत बंद है – मुर्दा कौम बनकर इंतज़ार मत कीजिये
क्या वास्तव में “2 अप्रेल को भारत बंद” है?
एक स्वतः स्फूर्त भारत बंद का आह्वान इन दिनों आग की तरह फैलता जा रहा है, यह बंद हाल ही में सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा अनुसूचित जाति जनजाति अत्याचार निवारण माम…
Selling Air India is an Attempt to End Reservation for SC, ST and OBCs
After making Nirav Modi and Brahmin Vijay Mallya escape India with 1000s of crores, BJP government is ready to sell Air India. BJP government has decided to sell 76% stake in Air India on 28th May …
SC/SC Act की बहाली की मांग को लेकर सूरज कुमार बौद्ध ने लिखा सांसदों ने नाम पत्र
सेवा में,
श्री रामविलास पासवान जी,
मा0 केन्द्रीय मंत्री, खाद्य एवं उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य एवं जनवितरण, भारत सरकार
12, जनपथ, नई दिल्ली – 110 011
विषयः एस0सी0/एस0टी वर्ग के लोगों की सभाओं मेें ज…
Prevention of Atrocity Act and Casteist Judgment of the Court
India’s constitution gave top priority to the abolition of untouchability by positioning the Article at the top position in the hierarchy of rights in part III of the constitution. The constitution…
Global Aspect of Casteism – Rise of Ultra-Right in the World
Alt-Right has not only ideological connections with India, but they have deeper political connections with India’s right-wing party and organization: the BJP and RSS. The founders of Alt Right deri…
Brahminical Court Diluted SC/ST Act on Mahad Satyagraha Anniversary
Dr. Ambedkar on 20th March 1927 led the Satyagraha for the access to water, which was denied for centuries and still is denied at many places in India. While Dalits around India were observing 20th…