These 10 Questions Make RSS Sanghis Pee in Their Half Pants!
To understand Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and RSS Sanghis it is important to understand their views on some main issues pertaining to India. These questions, people ask RSS many times but RSS Sanghis don’t have an answer to these questions. [Read also – Did Dr Ambedkar Really Visit RSS Camp, Pune? Fake Quote Alert!]
Read below such 10 questions for which RSS Sanghis have no answers
- Various organisations of RSS keep on spreading anti-Muslim, anti-Christian propaganda under Brahminical governments, why so many RSS leaders’ family members are married to Muslims and Christians?
- Which RSS Sanghi fought the battle of independence? Which RSS Sanghi was hanged during the independence struggle? RSS Sanghis such as Savarkar was busy writing mercy letters to the British government. Golwalker advised not to fight against British and save energy to fight Muslims, Christians, and Communists. Nathuram Godse killed Gandhi. Atal Bihari Vajpayee acted as a British spy! What right they have today to distribute certificates of anti-nationals and nationalists?
- Arun Shourie (another RSS Sanghi) criticises Dr Ambedkar for not participating in Quit India Movement, but did his parent organisation, RSS, participate? No, RSS had assured the governor of the Central Province that it would not participate in the Quit India Movement. Nor is there a mention of Guru Golvalkar’s speech in Pune in 1944 in which he ridiculed the Quit India Movement as a small breeze which affected only a few trees.
- Why didn’t during British rule, RSS Sanghis not led any movement against the beef eater British?
- In Hinduism, Brahmins are 3%, SC/ST/OBC is 85% and in 6 Sanghi-Chalak how many are non-Brahmin? If not any, then why? How many top positions are held by SC/ST/OBCs? What percentage distribution of Brahmin and non-Brahmin RSS leaders?
- If RSS considers SC/ST/OBCs are Hindus and SC/ST/OBCs are 85% of the population then why does RSS oppose reservation given to these communities? Why doesn’t RSS’s opposition to SC/ST/OBC reservation make it an anti-Hindu organisation? How many movements were led by RSS for the betterment of downtrodden communities in India? To oppose the reservation for OBCs, RSS and BJP demolished Babri Masjid to divert the attention of people from Mandal Commission report. Why?
- Since 1925, how many women have been elected to the position of Sanghi-Chalak? None, doesn’t this make RSS anti-women organisation? RSS is only a Brahmin male organisation where women and other caste groups have no place.
- What was the role of RSS Sanghis in M. K. Gandhi’s killing? Why don’t killing people make RSS a terrorist organisation?
- Why did RSS burn the effigy of Dr Ambedkar when Babasaheb Ambedkar tried to bring laws for the betterment of the women society? Evidence that RSS is an anti-women organisation)
- Why don’t RSS Sanghis hoist the Indian flag at their RSS headquarter in Nagpur? Why don’t RSS Sanghis accept Indian constitution as the law book? Why RSS consider Manusmriti as their law book? Manusmriti which is full of hatred towards so-called lower caste Hindus, how can RSS consider it as their law book?
Do you have any such question which makes RSS Sanghis pee in their pants? Let us know in the comments section.

The reality of RSS Sanghis
Thanks for the reply…first of all who were the RSS founders ?.. They are not the freedom fighters or the the Britishers who were the rulers of the country … You can imagine RSS are those people who were enjoying their position and the situation or depengancy of the country. They did not need any freedom. Because they were the part of the evility who made Indian the slave to the Britishers.. the chatukar association of India. It is angency of Britishers just like contractor who were being used to disturb the non-violence freedom movements. They wanted the political freedom only but didn’t want any social freedom or equality. Here was the point nobody noticed or nobody discussing it. Hindutva is that ideology by which the class or community who were the beneficiary of the the cast system or who made the cast system for their supremacy only can maintain the majestic position of hindu society. They are not rastrabadi they are hindutvawsadi…. But they have successfully running their strategy and ruling the country….
Great work! Please write up on the atrocities carried out by RSS-BJP in the country to Dalits, Muslims & Christians. I am writing up one for an international news journal in the US. I would love to get few facts from you.
THank you
You are right…..”baris jis taraf chhatri us taraf” actually the upper classes have fear of losing supremacy and jealousy for the lower cast and because they are enjoying social dividing methods of “manusmriti”.So they had no interest to part in freedom movements or no intention to make the Britishers enemy.It is an organization to retain the upper class rule over the society through superstations or mindwash or scares of situational tragedy or hatred mentality or jealousy.They have been doing it cleverly and each and every time trying to misguide the people to save their supremacy. RSS is nothing is a third-party to India and Indians. From deva-asur story to hindu-muslim hatred or India -Pakistan two- nation theory , upper class retaining the supremacy and RSS is the latest version of it. If this facts can be able to understand by the Indian then RSS will go Yamraj Bhavan …
Did godse tried to kill any britishers who supported muslim league ? Did he tried to kill mountbattan who put the condition of partition of INDIA on basis of hindu-muslim ? Had godse tried for freedom from cruel british rule ? Did he tried to kill general dyer for massacre of childrens, women & men at jallianwala baug.
If answer is NOT then he had a cheap mentality & must be coward to kill old aged GandhiJi.
Manusmriti is full of hatred towards women of all castes. It promotes domestic violence
my Question to you
according to show called Dalit well wisher Baba sahab is born in low cast and very poor family then how he get lawyer degree from london ?? whom pursue there expenses of education ?? when Bhagat singh is fighting against British without layer where is he??? all the person who are against British are hang down or in Kala pani but Gandhi -Neheru- Ambederkar Gangs are living with freedom and with full facility why?? When Bhagat Singh and his friends are on hunger strike these great persons are attending party of British why??
one more thing
for the caste cremation only Brahamans are responsible ?? you not ??
in dilit there are many caste they never go each other functions they don’t share rituals and other thing so don’t blame others try to get your self 1st
You first has read about Ambedkar living.We Dalit have change in life after attaining the freedom the same thought of Ambedkar in 1930 he said change of guard will not in life of Dalit people. It will change King from White to Black only. He right in that time it is proof by condition of Dalit people in Village of India.
How many people to day remembering the Bapu Chacha Indira or Patel They have limited memorial period that vanish
But change cause to Dalit people in society by Babasaheb will remained till mankind is exist in earth or India.
You, first has to read about Ambedkar living and literature. Dalit today seen in change life due to relentless effort by Ambedkar. It’s not mere attaining the freedom from Britishers but also rule of Britishers who sans some extent of evil of Hindu religion by the Act of legislation.
By change of guard will not change in the life Dalit, said Ambedkar in 1930. That proof true today itself by reading atrocity news of village in news paper. What’s is the use of Freedom to such people. Change of White to Black in throne no matters to Dalit. How many youth known about freedom fighter even Indian Government not recognize such person and discrimination in distribution of Freedom fighter pension. It well written in wall that Ambedkar will live in every blood of Dalit and it will remain till the mankind exist in Earth.
Babasaheb Ambedkar has given message on how to overcome this after looking thought but Dalits or non Brahmins are not following and result is suffering continues.
What is his suggestion?
Follow Buddhism.
People can follow any belief system but first they must follow Buddhism and must realize they cannot be Hindus brigade that religion is not giving them equality. Till all leaders stress this to Dalits or non Brahmins India cannot change.
Jai Bheem
First of all read the history then talk.. who cheated Bhagat Singh as witness in the court , who opposed Ambedkar in those days. You please did take a look at Ambedkar’s Life ,Shuji Maharaj sent him to Britain for higher education. Another thing the superstations speard by Brahmins made the society in divisions. Brahmins are only 3% of the population and Dalits are more than 15% obviously they may be different regionwise. Brahmins are third-party to India and Indians just like agents between producer and customer….
I’m also a follower of Ambedkarite movement. Though I wanted to suggest a correction in point no 2 where it mentioned that Savarkar was part of RSS, which is not true. RSS adopted Savarkar later. During Savarkar’s lifetime, he was chief of Hindu Mahasabha (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinayak_Damodar_Savarkar) and was a kind of foe for RSS at that time. The reason was mainly his thoughts regarding cow worship (He was not pro for cow worshiping by Hindus ).
Thank you for the correction but we don’t see much difference between RSS and Hindu Mahashaba. Both are dangerous organizations and Dr. Ambedkar has said that untouchables should not get associated with these organizations.
You are correct, right now there seems to be no difference and those organizations are working against equality. But it was just a technical difference, thought it would be helpful to you.
please write aal 10 questions in hindi language please