No Scholarships for SC/ST/OBC Students at TISS


Tata Institute of Social Sciences will not provide financial aid to SC, ST and OBC students starting next semester, according to a circular issued by the Institute accessed by The Quint.

The institute claims that it faces a deficit of over Rs 20 crore, which hasn’t been reimbursed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and State Governments, despite “repeated requests”.

Circular Issued by TISS –

From this semester onwards, the Institute will not be able to provide financial aid to students from SC/ST/OBC category (with family income below GoI norms). Relevant Central Government Minorities – Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs – and State Governments have not reimbursed the cost borne by the Institute, despite repeated requests. As the costs incurred by TISS on this account have not been reimbursed, the Institute faces a deficit of over Rs. 20 Crores.

Circular further states, the Institute requests the concerned students to mobilise resources for tuition fee, hostel and dining hall charges…Securing scholarship/loan will be the sole responsibility of the students and the Institute will not be responsible for ensuring the grant or release of loans by the bank.

No Scholarships at TISS

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No Scholarships – Brahminical System of Stopping Dalit-Bahujan Students

The Brahminical system tries its best to stop Dalit-Bahujans from progressing and adopts different tactics to deprive opportunities of education to Dalit-Bahujan communities. Depriving Dalit-Bahujan students from their scholarships is one such method developed by Brahminical forces.

Delaying scholarships to SC/ST/OBC students is another form of discrimination and should be treated under criminal acts and all those involved should be punished.

Rs 8,000 crore is Modi government’s unpaid bill towards scholarships for meritorious Scheduled Caste students. Students suffer as the government doesn’t issue funds on time. Not only that many a times government diverts the money allocated for the Dalit students to use that money on organising puja in the schools! Dalit students face discrimination at each and every step during their studies. In Modi-led BJP government; there is record rise in the unspent funds for the Dalits and tribals.

We demand that fund allocated for Dalits should be used on time and all those involved in irregularities should be punished.

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