Do Not Believe In Fate, Believe In Your Strength – Babasaheb Ambedkar


Thane District Conference was held at Kasara on Saturday, 18th February 1933. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar presided over the Conference. Dr. Ambedkar reached Kasara at 8 pm. by car from Bombay. Mr. Shivtarkar, Divakar Pagare and Ganpatbuwa Jadhav alias Madkebuwa accompanied him, while Mr. B. K. Gaikwad, K. B. Jadhav, Limbaji Bhalerao and Rokde came from Nasik. Mr. Shankamath Barve was the Chairman of Reception Committee. [1]

After issuing his statement on the Temple Entry Bill, Dr Ambedkar carried on propaganda against the spiritualistic fads and superstitions of his people which had emasculated and devitalised them for ages. He impressed upon their minds that to them bread was better than the worship of God. At this Conference, he told the Untouchables: “we want equality in Hindu religion. The Chaturvamya must be rooted out. The principle that privileges for the higher classes and poverty for the lower classes must end now. The British Government is a foreign Government, and so there could not be much advancement in our conditions. Do not allow disunion to grip you. It leads to ruin. Study the situation and surroundings with your own eyes. Do not forget that your fight at Mahad and Nasik won you what political status you are going to get. The news about Nasik Satyagraha which appeared in The Times, London, every day had interested and instructed the Britishers.”

“What you have lost,” proceeded he, “others have gained. Your humiliations are a matter of pride with others. You are made to suffer wants, privations and humiliations not because it was pre-ordained by the sins committed in your previous birth, but because of the overpowering tyranny and treachery of those who are above you. You have no lands because others have usurped them: you have no posts because ‘ others have monopolised them. Do not believe in fate. Believe in your strength.” [2]

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[1] Janata, dated 25th February 1933.
[2] Keer, P. 233.

SourceBabasaheb Ambedkar, BAWS, Vol. 17, Part 3

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