Covid-19: Responsible Scientific Community

The Covid-19 pandemic is teaching so many things. Never in the history of humanity, a collective enterprise to fight Coronavirus was seen as we see today. The scientific laboratories, research institutes, and think tanks have geared to fight this menace. But nowhere this cooperation is seen as much it is seen in the scientific community.

The scientists all over the world communicating and sharing their experiments and data with speed unknown before. Science is a public activity and scientific facts need universal validity. The findings of science are replicable anywhere and at any time. Thus a true scientific pursuit is driven by universal objective and scientists as they are humans can be driven by personal gains and jealousy, but their enterprise is universal and human.

The Chinese scientists have played a leading role in understanding Coronavirus not because it was found in China first, but because of their dedication. They shared the first genome map of the virus and shared with scientists all over the world. The speed at which the scientists have worked to know more about disease caused by the Coronavirus is stunning. Many labs are working on developing drugs and vaccines.

Science is a borderless arena and it is clear that many scientists are driven by the pursuit to benefit humanity.

John Dewey likened science with a democratic enterprise. Any form of government at this stage claims to benefit ” demos”: the citizens for which the government runs. In a democracy, the ruled becomes the rulers. Though we know that it is not simple as it is said, no government can publicly go against demos. And without demos, no government can exist in any form.

The science in its pure form and practice plays an important role in the democratization of humanity. The science at its core is evidence-based. Nothing is accepted without critical examination. The scientific enterprise is experimental. The claims must face the challenges of experimental. The Science offers methods of inquiries and those logical methods can be applied in the social sciences as well.

That the scientific community is striving together and collectively is a piece of sober news, but the political community must learn its lesson that in the time of crisis national boundaries do not matter. The virus does not care over national boundaries!

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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    samir sardana

    The Disaster of the Chaiwala – again !

    The penta-gonia has been completed.The disaster of the Chaiwala from Demonetisation,GST,Sir-Jee-Kal Strike,Balakot and then came , the COVID (The Fifth Pincer)

    The words of Beruni are prophetic,in this regard.

    – The Hindus believe that there is no country but theirs, no nation like theirs, no kings like theirs, no religion like theirs, no science like theirs.
    – They are haughty, foolishly vain, self-conceited, and stolid.
    – They are by nature niggardly in communicating that which they know, and they take the greatest possible care to withhold it from men of another caste among their own people,still much more, of course, from any foreigner

    Chaiwala though he was special,along with his countrymen -aka, from the Lost Tribe of Israel.Those fantas-ical land – statistical contortions by the Indians, that the numbers were doubling at the lowest rate in Hindoo-land – lapped up by the lackeys in the Hindoo Media – made them feel mighty special – just like the sons of Rama. This is what happens Hindoos study Statistics and Maths.dindooohindoo

    The Chaiwala had a simple formula.He did not do any testing at all.He waited for people to come to test,and then die.At least 30000 people die in India every day and Indians,like tardigrades, are infested with so many diseases – that no one takes a cold/cough seriously – until it is time to die – a euphemism for visiting the Indian doctor. The Chaiwala’s dream punch line would have been – that his dubious curfew ,which was unplanned, and w/o any application of mind – worked.

    The fat clown should have restricted passenger traffic across states and done mass testing and quarantining, in select states,with international traffic and NRI traffic..If the % of those tested positive, was in excess of a norm – then he should have curfew-ed that whole region or state – and then moved to the next geography.The Bureau of Immigration would have data of all incoming traffic at all ports of Hindoosthan – and the duration of stay in India and exit ports. – which could be bio-trailed by the pandoo police (left-right-left-right)

    Soon Indian Muslims will not be able to bury their dead,as the virus will live therein and if animals eat the bodies – then it will be paradise.

    Indian Banking and industry are doomed in 1 stroke, and agriculture will soon follow, in a few months. Chinese manufacturing and energy
    infrastructure is strategically spread all across the nation and all across the sea coast.

    Considering the Indians who are hiding symptoms or are not showing symptoms and the spread to Indians by active carriers in 30 days – the plague will hit at least 10000 times the number of the current infected – which is 3000.

    USA tested 1 million and had 2,00,000 cases – in a literate nation, wherein people volunteered of their volition.Indian statistics are bogus – as the Indians have tested several random people, in possible and proximate contact.The Indians have tested 70000 clowns and have found 3000 cases – which is a misleading statistic – as at least half of the tests are just a waste of time – but the Indians think they are immune and special – and mighty better than the white man.

    If 100 million tests on Indians,are done 45 days from today, at least 20% will be infected, and at least half will die – as there is no cure, there is no infrastructure and there will be no medicines, and the doctors and the pandoo police will also die.The dead bodies cannot be thrown in the Ganga , as it will contaminate the water life for a million years,and there will be no wood to burn the bodies.

    Now India is doomed – as it is too late to do mass testing – as the testing infrastructure does not exist and Indians will pillage the state – if millions are quarantined.It is the prophecy of Churchill – pullulation leads to pollution and destruction.

    The virus will live for a million years and will wipe out 20% of the Indian population in 12-15 months – capturing the thermal,irradiation and
    atmospheric variants across the nation – to complete the karmic mutation

    The Chaiwala has allowed the virus to multiply and mutate.He should have sealed the borders in January 2020.USA has reconciled to losing 100-200,000 people and to keep the engines running. The Indian engine will stop running at 1000 dead.

    This is the pathetos of the Hindoo nation – and its state of preparation for a bio-weapon.A N-disaster has a clear geographic co-ordinate and spread.This is the salvation for the Pakistanis and PRC – the future – bio warfare – where the agent of the enemy,hides inside the bodies of dead and sentient humans – the ultimate weapon – at the lowest cost. A point to note for the Doctor Zuwahiri – as the decaying human body parts,are,in essence an aerobic digester – and easy to destroy.

    PRC can use draconian measures to quarantine, and the Pakistani geography, is also manageable – and so, will not lose much,in a bio-war.The only nation which has the fatal mix of a vast geography,density of population,weird and satanic customs and rituals and a fart of a democracy – is India, and which makes it a prime candidate for a bio war target.

    What will these clowns do in a full scale N and Bio/Chemical war ? Time beckoneth Chaiwala to tactically nuke out parts of Hindoosthan – just like, in the Hindoo Mahabharata – there is no other way.

    The man was born to doom Hindoosthan and the Hindoos.His solution is to switch off the lights for 9 minutes at 9 pm and light candles,torches and cell phone lights – the sign of impending and inevitable doom.When Babar was at the doors of Hindoosthan – Hindoos were praying to Shiva and sacrifcing goats,bulls and temple prostitutes

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