Netflix Series Abuses Dalit Community 


Episode 5 of Netflix series named Jamtara: Sabka Number Ayega” uses abusive language against the Dalit community. One of the protagonists uses Chamar” as casteist abuse saying, “Chamar Ho Ja Jamidhar Ho”. While using “Chamar” word has been outlawed and is a crime to use it, it has never stopped being used by so-called upper castes to humiliate and insult the Dalit community.  

In 2008, the Supreme Court of India has said that addressing Scheduled Castes people as ‘chamar’ may amount to an offence punishable under the provision of the SC and the ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. 

The court had observed that calling a member of the Scheduled Caste `chamar’ with intent to insult or humiliate in a place within public view is certainly an offence under Section 3(1)(x) of the act.  

It is not the first time that a TV series on Netflix has abused the Dalit community. Earlier, another TV series telecasted on Netflix named “Mahi Way” has also used abusive language against Dalit community but nothing happened. When we tried to raise the issue, it didn’t gain public attention. Now, once again Netflix series has used the abusive language, which is unacceptable. The court had observed that calling a member of the Scheduled Caste `chamar’ with intent to insult or humiliate in a place within public view is certainly an offence under Section 3(1)(x) of the act. When anyone is using “Chamar” word to demean, which is almost always the case when any so-called upper caste person uses it, it is problematic. When used by so-called upper castes, it is not just a word but an attack on the whole Dalit community.  

When I posted the video on Twitter, many so-called upper caste people have commented arguing in the name of “Art”, “Context” and “Just one-time-use”, it should/can be accepted. Here are a few things which I want to say to all those people.  

There is no excuse in the name of art anyone should abuse the Dalit community. Showing your bigotry in the name of art is not an art, glorifying casteism and casteist slur is not an art! We will not accept that. How about abusing Brahmins in each and every series in the name of “art”? How many TV series have you seen in which Brahmins or so-called upper castes are abused in the name of “art”?  

While translating subtitles to English, Netflix translates “Chamar” word as “Bastard”. How is that an art? In the name of art, you have abused so-called lower castes for centuries and filled your potbellies. No more. Such abuse in the name of art has to stop and not tomorrow, not day after tomorrow but right now.  

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Similarly, no matter what the context may be, casteist abuse is not acceptable. It is hard for anyone to understand that? In how many contexts, these so-called upper castes find reasons to abuse other so-called upper castes? Why can’t you find contexts to abuse your community? If it is that hard for you to find, hire me and I will point your bigotry very well!  

“We, as a society, are already very insensitive to those slurs and those who don’t fit the privilege casteist narrative, so many had to struggle to register their protest to those slurs, even though we have a law. So. this kind of dialogues just use to normalize those slurs and abuse. Not only that, it’s not up to the privileged to accept what is a caste slur in a ‘context’, if we go by the privileged narrative there is no end to it at all, writes Thaiyaan on Twitter. 

Some people on Twitter are also mentioning that the protagonist who uses the “chamar” word himself is portrayed as lower caste, so it is fine to use. No, it is not. How hard it is to understand that? It makes it worse. These directors and producers have used so-called lower castes protagonist to abuse the Dalit community so that it looks legit. Nothing new in that strategy, we have seen that million times that all these Brahminical political parties appointing a Dalit as a spokesperson to attack and counter political parties led by Dalit-Bahujans 

Finally, the third argument that it is used only once in the whole TV series, so it is fine. No, it is not. Even if it is used once or half, it is used to belittle the Dalit community and as an abuse. If casteist abuse is not wrong, then nothing is wrong in this world! Or would you accept if some TV series glorifies rape, sati or child burning or as a matter of fact any social evil? If not, then you have your answer. Further, all those mentioning that it is used to show the reality. Sure, casteist abuse is a reality but using casteist abuse to portray casteist abuse in the society is not the way to tell the public about it. Find better ways to communicate or hire more Dalit-Bahujan writers to write for your TV series.  

I also wrote a few months ago on things so-called upper castes must stop saying to Dalits immediately. In that as well, I had noted that there are many people who tell me that “this is hypocrisy that you let your Dalit friends call you ‘chamar’ but I am not allowed to.”  

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One has to understand the power dynamics in society and the intentions behind using words that have been rejected by Dalits. You don’t have same experiences as Dalit community and will never haveSo you using “Chamar” word to look close to us or cool with us is not right, no matter in what context it is used. When Dalits use this word among themselves, it is not in the same context to demean or insult. Dalits can use it among themselves because they share the same history of oppression and while reclaiming that word, they flip it from its head!  

Out of respect for an entire race, avoiding the use of a vile, degrading word in any sort of context should come easy. White people will never look cool or have the same intentions when saying it. The racial majority does not have the same experiences as black people and never will. In fact, no other race will. 

The issue isn’t just this Netflix TV series, or it is used once only in the whole series but the whole system of media that works to demoralize and dehumanize the Dalit community. Remember Dalit character “Kachra” from film LagaanOr remember a Brahmin trying to be saviour of Dalits in film “Article 15”? From names to acts in Indian movies which are offered to Dalits are demeaning e.g. character named Kachra (who is acting as a Dalit and name which literally translates to “rubbish”) from Oscar-nominated Indian movie ‘Lagaan’, contrary to its intention presented distorted image of a Dalit. 

Problem is indeed bigger than this Netflix TV series and it affects the whole thinking and lives of Dalit community. The guy who originally sent me this video was so depressed and helpless after watching this shit. The problem is bigger than this single episode or single TV series, against which one must raise a voice.  

It is really unfortunate and crazy to some extent that I have to explain all these things. It should be self-explanatory and you should have the ability to not being bigot, casteist, inhumane in 2020! If not, do your intellectual labour to understand Dalit community before trying to write or make a TV series on us. Or simply don’t use the words which have been used for centuries for degrading the Dalit community and which have been rejected by Dalit community.  

For demonizing and dehumanizing Dalit community an FIR must be filed against directors/producers of this show. Demonization of Dalit community must end and culprits in this case should be punished.  

Author – Pardeep Attri

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