In the Festival of Azaadi, What is the real “Azaadi” for Dalits?
Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
This world has witnessed an unforgettable past of revolutions that shook countries politically, socially and economically. India, which otherwise is globally famous for its ‘unity in diversity’, is experiencing the same heat. The streets of India are echoing with the chants of “Azaadi” meaning freedom. After BJP (the ruling party) which came into power in 2014, the already famous revolutionary slogan was yet again coined by Kanhaiya Kumar, who was the president of Jawaharlal Nehru University Student’s Union. In this festival of revolution, let’s understand what Azaadi means in an already independent nation and how the most oppressed in the society, the Dalits are deprived of it, yet again.
The fascist regime brought into existence the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which is directly discriminatory on religious grounds. Moreover, the plan to execute NRC (National Register of Citizens) right after the CAA has put the people of Bahujan community in turmoil. The kick of brahminical oppression was too hard for the depressed classes to bear as it’d snatch away their very identity of being an Indian. Protests broke out nationwide. Denying to agree, the courageous students of the country marched on the streets against CAA and for a fight to save the constitution. The Central Government faced backlash and firm resistance which made citizens raise fingers on their intentions. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, who otherwise was taken for granted and limited to only being a Dalit leader by the brahmins, became the face of the movement. His quotes, posters and slogans were seen in every hand that joined the fight. Ambedkar emerged as the antidote for fascism. Citizens of the country realised that only the concrete wall of Constitution built by Babasaheb could save their rights as a citizen. Flags hailing Ambedkar were seen in the whole country.
In between all this, the depressed demanded annihilation of caste and sloganeered against Jaatiwaad (casteism), Brahmanwaad (Brahminism), Manuwaad(Manusmriti), Punjiwaad (capitalism), Saamantwaad (Seigniorism), Pitrisatta (Patriarchy) etc. which shook the roots of Hinduism. Wriggling in anxiety, fear was visible in right-wing Hindutva groups and political parties, which was observed during the national unrest. Countless efforts were made to paint the whole movement with a communal colour and call it a ‘Hindu-Muslim’ fight. The parties in opposition who did not vote in favor of CAB in Parliament failed to address the movement as anti-Bahujan. Giving it a communal angle looked like a safe step for political parties.
However, we now see the Congress and the Left fighting it out boldly on streets with portraits of Gandhi and his idea of unity and non-violence. Gandhi Shanti Yatra is one such example of their resistance against CAA, NRC and NPR. This raised questions in my mind. What can be the ulterior motive of these Brahmanical parties especially the Congress who had been quiet till now? Particularly, when the resistance have slogans such as above and we see Congress chanting them as well. Most importantly, when the portraits, quotes and thoughts of Bharat Ratna Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar being widespread is dreading the so-called liberators. Babasaheb’s ideas would ultimately be spread to every corner, his thoughts would be read by one and all which would ultimately result in shutting down the political shops of these “liberators” as mostly they are based upon religion and castes. Thus, I would ask, Is the opposition particularly, the Congress really ready to fight against inequality? Are they really ready to fight against the evils of Hinduism?
Shaheen Bagh in Delhi is the heart of this Revolution. I have witnessed the protest at Shaheen Bagh by visiting there regularly. However, a few days ago, I observed something astounding.
Sant Yuvraj of Hindu Sena shared the stage with Maulana Sajjad Nomani Sahab. Hindu Sena is a fringe right-wing organization, which flourished under the umbrella organisation of RSS. Sant Yuvraj addressed the protestors saying, “I want a Dalit to become a PM of this country in 2024 and a Muslim PM in 2029”. This gave me a clear idea of why the left and the Congress tried to hijack the movement.
On one hand, the right-wing Hindu organizations and their political parties are trying their best to lure Dalits by astonishing promises, the Congress and its allies started a campaign of differentiating Hindutva from Hinduism, praising the goodness inside it by calling it “inclusive”. These political fronts fear of losing their hegemony based upon religion and castes. Since that day I have become sceptic about the role of opposition in the movement. It is not only a fight for protecting the secular fabric of the Constitution but the basis of our Constitution i.e. Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
Since the opposition has been seen chanting the slogan of Azaadi, Prof. Dilip Mandal pointed it out in his recent tweet and questioned the opposition parties about measures they took in the states ruled by them to implement Constitution and its ethos? Have they taken any measures to eradicate the evils of the society in their states? Have they liberated the poor from their poverty, hunger and all such miseries? What opportunities have they created in their states for the most depressed to uplift them?
Is it that difficult to fight for a “Secular India” but not a “Casteless India”? They are ready to fight for the Azaadi of Muslims and minorities but with what cost? Are they really ready to self criticise and eradicate the evils of their own religion?
The answer is no. Neither the HINDUTVA forces nor the HINDUISM forces want it. They would never take an initiative in this. Annihilation of caste for Indian Political Parties would mean an end of politics. End of their Caste Hegemony. End of their Caste Supremacy and Sovereignty. The 3 to 4 % of the total population in this country wants to remain supreme, dominant and rule forever for which they’ll leave no stone unturned.
In this festival of Revolution, I request you all, if you go and chant Azaadi slogans, don’t forget that this fight is for the very concept of equality and we, the most oppressed, the most depressed, the Dalits in this country have been deprived of it since millennia.
Ask for Azaadi from the cage of Brahminism. Ask for Azaadi and Annihilation of Caste.
Author – The author could be reached on Twitter at @believe_0369
Image source – Internet
“Ambedkar emerged as the antidote for fascism”