Did Dr Ambedkar Really Visit RSS Camp, Pune? Fake Quote Alert!


It should not come to anyone as a surprise that when it comes to justifying any wrongdoing Hindutva brigade has always brought some fake claims from the books published by RSS.

From spreading fake quotes on Dr Ambedkar speaking against Article 370 of the constitution to demonetization was Dr Ambedkar’s idea, Brahminical forces have not only misguided masses but maligned the legacy of one of the greatest leaders in the world.

In the same chain of fake claims, there is another quote which is mainly spread by RSS followers that Dr Ambedkar had visited RSS camp at Pune in 1939 and he was happy after visiting. The quote and claim have a few versions with a few variations (added information). Let’s list all those different versions of fake claims attributed to Dr Ambedkar first,

“Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar while visiting the RSS camp at Pune in 1939 observed that Swayamsevaks were moving in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the cast of others. In his address to the Swayamsevaks, he said that “This is the first time that I am visiting the camp of Sangh volunteers. I am happy to find absolute equality between Savarniyas (Upper cast) and Harijans (Lower cast) without anyone being aware of such difference existing.” When he asked Dr Hedgewar whether there were any untouchables in the camp, he replied that there are neither “touchables” nor “untouchables” but only Hindus.”

Another version of the same fake claim spread by Sanghis,

“This is the first time that I am visiting the camp of Sangh volunteers. I am happy to find absolute equality between Savarniyas and Harijans without anyone being aware of such difference existing.”

Above quote and claim have been shared on various social media like millions of times!

RSS Ambedkar Fake Quote

Dr Ambedkar and RSS Camp Vist fake Claim

Brahmin-Bania media outlets as well carry these same claims and give validity to fake information, giving credibility to such false information.

Ambedkar RSS connection ThePrint fake claim

ThePrints fake claim, distorting facts.

Read also – Fekulogy of RSS and ThePrint – Spreading Fake Claims About Babasaheb Ambedkar

If you notice closely all these messages spread by Brahminical forces have one claim and stress on Dr Ambedkar going to RSS’s camp at Pune in 1939. We understand, like many other attempts, it is done to bring Dr Ambedkar under Brahminism’s clout.

Not one of these fake stories peddlers was able to answer why Dr Ambedkar visited RSS camp, whom he met there, what did they discuss or exact date and place. If any answer you can find about these questions, it only exists in books published by RSS!

Saffron Dr Ambedkar

From painting Babasaheb Ambedkar in saffron colours to putting him among some Brahminical gods, there have been 1000s of attempts to appropriate Dr Ambedkar. RSS understands it well that without bringing Dr Ambedkar into its clout, their agenda to turn India into Hindu Rashtra will not materialize.

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Dr Ambedkar Among Hindu Gods

A few years ago, on April 14, 2015, RSS publication Organiser published commemorative collectors’ editions on Dr Ambedkar with the whole intention of distorting the facts and painting Dr Ambedkar as one of their own with idiotic claims such as Dr Ambedkar and K. B. Hedgewar (founder of RSS) were similar ignoring the fact that Hedgewar is founder of an organization that is involved in killings and riots and Dr Ambedkar on the other hand, tried his best to establish democracy and rule of law in India.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), in desperation, has gone on to even label Dr Ambedkar as a ‘Hindu nationalist’.

So, what is the source of this fake claim and quote?

One simple search on Google reveals that almost all of the websites or social media pages quoting this claim are Brahminical such as Hindu Vahini to HariBhakt to Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh UK – all of them are one way another linked to RSS and spreading Hindutva propaganda. Sanghis have to write fake claims to look better.

According to Tuck Magazine, the quote is from the book named “The Founder of RSS Dr Hedgewar Seer Patriot and Nation Builder” authored by Ayush Nadimpalli and Rahul A Shastri. Nothing surprising such claims and quotes, misrepresenting Dalit-Bahujan icons and history, appear in only Brahminical books.

After digging a bit more into it, we found another source of the quote. Another book named “Dr Ambedkar and Social Justice” (page 234) written by another author M. G. Chitkara (from so-called upper caste) mentions the same claim without providing any reference to it. This book even claims that Dr Ambedkar visited RSS camp on another time as well on Makar Sankranti in 1936. The author doesn’t mention any reference to that as if he got that information in a dream and wrote that after waking up. 

Snapshot from Dr Ambedkar and Social Justice Book Page 234

Snapshot from book “Dr Ambedkar and Social Justice”, Page 234

According to another right-wing Hindutva website, Arise Bharat, “one of the participants in the camp was Sri Gangadhar Bagul who later became a Zilla Sanghachalak of RSS, (District President). He wrote about the entire discussion between Hedgewar and Dr Ambedkar in his autobiography, Patha Sanchalan.”

As we said earlier, this claim and quote only exist in RSS’s books, which not only peddle hatred among different communities but fake information also.

If one goes through the Writings and Speeches of Dr Ambedkar, one would not find any such mention of the visits of Dr Ambedkar to RSS camp. RSS is a Brahmin male organization and not Hindu organization, in which all chiefs till today belonged to upper caste only, 100% reservation for so-called upper castes in that position. 

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What Dr Ambedkar had really said about RSS?

Dr Ambedkar, in reality, had warned of RSS saying that it is a dangerous organization.

RSS is dangerous organization

In Vol. 15, page 560 of BAWS, he mentioned, “May I mention the R.S.S. and the Akali Dal? Some of them are very dangerous associations. It may be that one Government may recognize them and another Government may not recognize them, all these possibilities are there.”

Ambedkar on Hindu Mahashaba

Dr Ambedkar was critical of both RSS and Hindu Mahasabha so it is hard to believe that Dr Ambedkar would have ever gone to the hate-filled organization and attended RSS’s camp.

Dr Ambedkar in 1927 had burnt Manusmriti, the law book of Brahmins, which RSS follows heartedly.

In 1935 at Yeola conference, Dr Ambedkar had said, “I was born a Hindu, I had no choice. But I will not die a Hindu because I do have a choice.”

And fake quote claims that year Dr Ambedkar visited was 1939. During these years, after rejecting Hinduism/Brahminism, Dr Ambedkar was exploring other religions such as Buddhism and Sikhism.

Then there are his 22 vows from 1956, in one of which Dr Ambedkar commands, “I will not believe in Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Neither would I worship them.”

Dr Ambedkar while attacking Brahminism/Hinduism had even said, a bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar. Curiously RSS has forgotten all this and has nit-picked and manufactured its own claims and quotes referring to Dr Ambedkar to fulfil its ulterior motives.

Dr Ambedkar didn’t like Gandhi using ‘Harijan’ word and was against it. He instead used words such as ‘depressed classes’ or ‘untouchables’, so how could he have used that ‘Harijan’ word as claimed by the quote spread by Hindutva brigade? This simple “mistake” from RSS should be enough to prove that claim is crap.

Further, Dr Ambedkar on various occasions attacked the foundation of Hinduism/Brahminism so do you think Dr Ambedkar would have visited RSS camp and praised?

While RSS believes in the supremacy of Brahminism and Dr Ambedkar attacked Brahminism.

The claim is totally fake and fraud like RSS and its ideology.

Such claims and quotes are just to appropriate Dalit-Bahujan heroes and should be busted. If you have read some claims and quotes which seem suspicious, send us and we will try to look into those.

Author – Pardeep Attri, edited by Velivada Team

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