CBSE Hikes Exam Fees For SC/STs By 24 Times – Attempt To Drive Dalits Out Of Schools


While Brahminical media kept Dalit-Bahujans busy with Article 370, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) increased the fees of Class 10 and 12 board examinations for SC and ST students from 50 to 1,200, which is 24 times the fees which SC/ST students were paying earlier.

The Brahminical system tries its best to stop Dalit-Bahujans from progressing and adopts different tactics to deprive opportunities of education to Dalit-Bahujan communities. Raising fees for Dalit-Bahujan students is one such method developed by Brahminical forces.

CBSE Fees SC ST hike

“The board notified the changes in the fees last week and has asked the schools who had already begun the registration process and charged students as per the old fee structure, to now collect the difference in amount.”

It is shameful that so-called upper caste students are celebrating and posting comments that fees hike for SC/ST is a good move, ignoring the fact that they themselves also have to pay double the amount! They are happy to see others’ suffering as the fees hike would not affect them much. So much hatred against Dalit students is carried by so-called upper-caste students. Is this the new India RSS/BJP government was promising?

On the other hand, scholarships for the SC/ST students are not issues on time but fees increase is implemented from back dates.

Delaying scholarships to SC/ST/OBC students is another form of discrimination and should be treated under criminal acts and all those involved should be punished.

Raising the examination fee is another attempt by Brahminical establishments to drive out Dalit students from the schools. (Exclusion in Schools – A Study on Practice of Discrimination and Violence)

Dalit students face various kind of discriminations and issues that lead them to drop out of the schools and with the rise in fees, the trend for dropping out from the schools would rise only.

Dr Ambedar was convinced that education can be a grand panacea to all social ills. He believed that education is a birthright of every human being and can help build modern India. Dr Ambedkar didn’t leave any stone unturned to impart education to so-called lower-castes. With the same in mind, he had started various educational institutions. (ReadDr Ambedkar on Education)

“To deny them that right (i.e. Education) is to create a situation full of injustice. To keep people illiterate and then to make their literacy the ground of their enfranchisement is to add insult to the injury. But the situation indeed involves more than this. It involves an aggravation of the injury for to keep illiterate and then to deny them franchise which is the only means whereby they could effectively provide for the removal of illiteracy is to perpetuate illiteracy and postpone indefinitely the days of their enfranchisement.” – Dr Ambedkar

In the welcome speech at Milind Mahavidyalaya Aurangabad in 1951, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar expressed his views on the importance of education,

“Coming as I do from the lowest order of the Hindu Society, I know that what is the value of education. The problem of raising the lower order deemed to be economic. This is a great mistake. The problem of raising the lower order in India is not to feed them, to clothe them and to make them serve the higher classes as the ancient ideal of this country. The problem of the lower order is to remove from them that inferiority complex which has stunted their growth and made them slaves to others, to create in them the consciousness of the significance of their lives for themselves and for the country, of which they have been cruelly robbed of the existing social order. Nothing can achieve this purpose except for the spread of higher education. This is, in my opinion, the panacea of our social troubles.” (Welcome speech by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar at Milind Mahavidyalaya Aurangabad, 1951)

What is the use of bringing Right to Education or what not acts when fees for students are kept sky-high? Who can have access to education when fees across the universities and colleges are kept so high?

Read also:  These 10 Questions Make RSS Sanghis Pee in Their Half Pants!

“This massive increase in exam fees is cruel & exploitative. Students’ parents will have to shell out such an unreasonable amount & will have no choice (In)ability to pay shouldn’t be a bar on ANYONE from accessing education”, said AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi.

Education should not in the hands of few but should be made available for everyone so that society progresses collectively. While keeping fees high, they just want to maintain a monopoly over education, a monopoly that Brahmins had forever

As prescribed by their religious books, Dalits should not be given education so such attempts, as keeping fees high, are common to exclude Dalits from education and other facilities.

Read also:  Narrow Goal For Women's Empowerment Is No Less Than Cruelty - Dr Ambedkar

When education is a cornerstone for progress and upliftment and it should be free for everyone. Fees hike by CBSE is a regressive move, which should be rolled back.

Update – CBSE issued update on the fees structure according to which fee for everyone is Rs. 1500! Fees for everyone, apart from Delhi students, used to be Rs. 750 which has been raised to Rs. 1500 now. For Delhi SC/ST students fees used to be Rs. 350 out of which Rs. 50 was paid by student and rest was paid by the Delhi government. So, for Delhi SC/ST students fees hike is 24 times.

Author – Pardeep Attri, edited by Velivada Team

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