Right Moves of Behan Mayavati


Mayavati is finally deciding on taking up alliances with the other parties. She has decided to work with the SP in UP in a very positive sign. The allies of the BJP, like the Rajbhars, are showing a strong dissatisfaction with the BJP and its leadership. This is an ideal situation for the BSP to make a big dent in the national politics. The BSP’s vote bank is intact and judging by the results in the UP where the BJP was decisively defeated, it is clear that the BSP is still having the power to come to power again.

If reports are to be believed, large-scale mobilization against Brahminism is taking place in the state of UP. It is the Hindi belt that is a key to decide if the forces of Hindutva can be defeated, the southern Indian states have not fallen prey to the Hindutva politics, and perhaps they will never, as the caste configuration in the south is not so marked in the caste hierarchy the way it is in North India.

So, the state of UP holds the key followed by the other states in North India. Bihar showed that it is not with the BJP and Nitish will be punished for his crossover in the next election in the state of Bihar. Though currently, ruled BJP states can shift easily if there is a display of unity and the if the BSP asserts.

BSP has a strong presence in North India. In the past, the BSP won a good number of seats from Madhya Pradesh and it can potentially win many seats in different states in the North. Even in South, the BSP played a role in defeating The Congress. The Dalits have now demonstrated that they can be mobilised easily at all levels and this mobilisation needs translation in the political power and the mobilisation can only be translated through a political instrument, the only viable instrument in the hands of the Dalits at this moment is the BSP and hence the BSP has a critical role to play.

The sooner Mayavati understands her role in this historic moment, the better it is for the Bahujan movement.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale

Read also:  Karnataka Elections, BSP and Dalits

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  1. 1
    DrLaxmi Berwa

    Kudos to Bahanji. She has won the battle but winning a war is far away.
    This war can be won only IF so called Dait-Bahujan are UNITED.BJP/RSS has been successful because they were able to play the so called caste card and divided Dalit voter on the caste basis in their(BJP/RSS) favor. playing along with anti-muslim card.I hope the masses are educated enough to know as to who is their well wisher rather than get mesmerize with the false propaganda and marketing ploy of BJP/RSS.Ball is in Bahan ji ‘s court.

  2. 2

    Yes. This is the positive development in UP which needs to be extended in other states as well . In addition to the understanding with SP in UP , BSP should take the lead in coordinating all the Dalit Parties in all other states , form CONFEDERATION OF DALT ELECTORS ( C.D.E.) , contest all the reserved seats soliciting the support of the marginalised and threatened minorities Muslims and Christians and unilaterally extending the support of CDE to the Muslim & Christian candisates contesting elections excluding such minority candidates sponsored by the BJP and the Congress.And I wish this strategy is adopted in the ensuing election for Karnataka assembly polls in May this year.

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