Remembering Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad – Martyr of the Mahad Satyagraha


On March 20, 1927, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar led the Mahad satyagraha – for drinking water from the Cavdar tank at Mahad. It can be said that Mahad Satyagraha was the beginning of the political as well as social career of Dr Ambedkar

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in his book ‘Essays on Untouchables and Untouchability’, Chapter 2, titled – ‘The Revolt of the Untouchables notes, the procession in form of fours marched past and went to the Chawdar tank, and the Untouchables for the first time drank the water. Soon the Hindus, realising what had happened, went into the frenzy and committed all sorts of atrocities upon the Untouchables who had dared to pollute the water.

If there was no violence from so-called upper castes during Mahad Satyagraha, some say, the event would have been forgotten within a few days. So-called upper castes started vandalising the Dalits’ properties and started beating those who were participating in the Mahad Satyagraha. Stones were thrown by so-called upper castes on Dr Ambedkar and his close associates also. Many Dalits were injured during the Mahad Satyagraha, one among them was Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad.

Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad

Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad [Source: Gail Omvedt, ‘Building the Ambedkar Revolution: Sambhaji Tukaram Gaikwad and the Kokan Dalits’ (2011)]

Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad was the son of Sambhaji Tukaram Gaikwad alias Dadasaheb Gaikwad. Sambhaji Tukaram Gaikwad played a vital role in organising Mahad Satyagraha and was chairman of the reception committee at Mahad.

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Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad got inspired from his father and he led the youth organisation. He was the first president of the Bahishkrit Aikya Sanwardhak Mahar Samajseva Sangh, which was formed 10th August 1926. Bhikaji was a bold organiser in his own style and had a personality that could inspire others. He travelled to villages and cities to get support for Mahad Satyagraha and also recorded pitiable situation of Dalits in the various places. He toured Kokan, visiting Ratnagiri, Chiplun, Kolaba, Thane and Mumbai so tell people about the Mahad Satyagraha and raise support for the important event.

When so-called upper castes attacked Dalits participating in the Mahad Satyagraha, after Dalits had touched the water, Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad was in the forefront to protect others. In this violence, Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad suffered serious injuries to his head. But undaunted, he continued to conduct organisational work under the auspices of the Bahishkrit Aikya Sanwardhak Mahar Samajseva Sangh.

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Gail Omvedt in her book ‘Building the Ambedkar Revolution: Sambhaji Tukaram Gaikwad and the Kokan Dalits’ (2011) notes, excessive labour in his already precarious condition caused his injuries to worsen, Bhikaji succumbed to his injury and passed away on January 5, 1929. He was only 26 years old.

Gail Omvedt goes on to record Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s words of grief, at his cremation – ‘Dadasaheb, don’t believe that Bhikaji has gone. Believe that Bhimrao has gone and Bhikaji in my form stands before you!’.

Dr Ambedkar on Bhikaji Sambhaji Gaikwad

[Source, Gail Omvedt ‘Building the Ambedkar Revolution: Sambhaji Tukaram Gaikwad and the Kokan Dalits’ ’ (2011)]

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