Rules of Modern Manusmriti That Apply Only to Dalits on Social Media


Recently, the Facebook account of Raya Sarkar, who started compiling the list of sexual harassers (mostly from so-called upper castes) in academics, was blocked and some people who had shared her post were also banned from posting on Facebook. It was not the solo case and there is a rising trend that dissent voices are being silenced by various social media platforms, maybe under the pressure from the governments.

You might have read the rules of Manusmriti those were applied (still applies) to so-called lower castes and women in general before the Constitution of India came into practice. No matter, one can still see rules of Manusmriti being implemented by successive Indian governments but with the rise of social media websites starting with Orkut to Facebook to Twitter gave some hopes to so-called lower castes in India that their voice will be heard. But their dreams of using social media as a tool to raise the issues of caste discrimination and injustice were short lived.

The reason for their short-lived dreams are many but mainly linked with the Brahminical mindset of managers sitting at these social media websites in Indian offices. No matter how hard so-called lower castes in India are trying to come out and speak for themselves, they are silenced either by government forces or by Brahminical lords sitting at these social media websites.

A few months ago, National Dastak, one of the major website raising the voice of downtrodden was banned from posting on Facebook for the unknown reason. Facebook account of Bahujan writer Dilip Mandal was disabled without any reason. There is not even a single day when some of my friends’ posts are not deleted or they are not banned from posting stuff on these social media sites, leaves many of us to wonder whether Facebook and other social media are run according to the rules of RSS?

On the other hand hateful and propaganda of Brahminical organizations is not barred and is allowed to generate hatred among communities. Even the so-called mainstream media (we called it Manu-stream media) doesn’t hesitate from spreading hatred among different communities in India. One can check out the hashtags TimesNow (better should be named TimesCow) and Republic promote every day on social media to understand the hateful propaganda. Below I list a few of the laws of modern Manusmriti.

Rules of Modern Manusmriti That Apply Only to Dalits on Social Media

  1. Any post against caste discrimination, Hindu Caste system and for equality would be deleted.
  2. Dalits raising voice for equality and against discrimination would be banned and their posts will be deleted.
  3. Brahmins are free to post anything and defame Dalit-Bahujan heroes/ideals, no one will question them.
  4. Dalits no matter how many times complaint to Facebook or other social media about the abuse or demeaning content against them, those complaints won’t be listened.
  5. Brahmins’ troll army would be rewarded for abusing Dalit-Bahujans or anyone speaking against the Brahminical hegemony.
  6. Prime Minister of the country would follow all those who abuse others for raising their voice against the policies of the state.
  7. Different caste groups on social media seem like living in caste ghettos should not interact with each other and fire from their own bunkers.

I personally have been blocked and my posts been removed from Orkut, Facebook, Reddit, Google+ etc. I don’t know whether I should feel proud of all these achievements (!) or be angry. Caste discrimination and practices of discrimination run in the veins of so-called upper castes and there is no space where caste doesn’t play its part.

Let me know in the comments section if you have faced similar treatment and if there are other points that you would like to add to the list and I will update the list.

Read also:  What is Ambedkarite ideology?

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  1. 1

    I was stopped many times on Facebook. The language used by some people was uncivilized and irritating. Therefore, I stopped updating me on Facebook.

    Suppression of Truth and spreading Misinformation is the nature of manuvadis and perpetuating Discrimination is their purpose.

    Therefore,Bahujans should have their own media to propagate Truth and Organise against Discrimination.

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