Chalo Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar! Protest Organised by Ambedkarite Students of Mumbai


We, Ambedkarite students from Mumbai, strongly condemn the attacks and threat on the life of Prof. Kancha Ilaiah, a highly respected intellectual and scholar of non-Aryan, pre-Vedic knowledge. It is because of his scholarship as one of the greatest scholars on the pre-Vedic, non-Hindu ideology that resisted the Aryan assault that he is being targeted by the Hindu supremacists.

His claim of being a part of the Dalit-Bahujan community is established in his work “Why I am not a Hindu” which resisted Hindu caste tradition, the communities which the Brahmanical forces are trying to forcefully assimilate into Hindu fold since the 19th century. His exposure of the Brahmanical conspiracy is the reason for these attacks.

At this hour, when attacks on our budding knowledge systems have been increasing vehemently, we all stand strong in his support and condemn the regressive caste elements of Hindu social order. We, hereby wish to express our solidarity to Ilaiah through a gathering where we all will read, discuss and indulge in dialogue about his writings.


Date: 13th October 2017 (Friday)

Venue: Gandh Kuti Vihar, Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, Ghatkopar

Time: 5:30 PM onwards


J V Pawar – Writer and senior Ambedkarite activist.

Moolnivasi Mala -Activist, Telangana movement.

Dhammasanghini RamaGorakh – Ambedkar activist and writer

Jayawant Hire (Senior Ambedkarite Activist).

Powada performance by Nitin Kamble, Actor & Director

Organised by: Ambedkarite Students Collective Mumbai & Activists from Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, Mumbai

Let’s break out of the silence and come out in solidarity with Prof. Kancha Ilaiah!


Read also –

Prof. Kancha Ilaiah’s Ordeal – A Reflection of Creeping Fascism in India Say Indian Americans

हासिए पर रखी गई जातियों के प्रति नज़रंदाज़ी सामाजिक तस्करी होती है – कांचा इलैया

कौन डरता है कांचा इलैया से #StandWithKanchaIlaiah

Read also:  Dear Left Comrades, Thank You For Being Allies. Now, Leave Bahujans Alone

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  1. 1

    The Bahujan Mulnivasis should now come out in an offensive manner not the defensive one.The enemies of the Humanity should be dealt with a heavy hand. We should strongly support Mr. Kancha Illaiya so that the rascals could be firmly dealt with…..

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