In Finland – Dalit Rights Issues Raised at the NGO Event of the Year


Dalits around the world are trying their best to bring the issue of caste discrimination and atrocities on Dalits in India at the international level. Dalits don’t have many hopes from the Indian government that it would do something concrete to help those facing caste discrimination.

There is not much hope either that Dalit Rights be considered as Human Rights under Indian governments so the only option that is Dalits have is to raise the issue of caste discrimination and violation of Dalit Rights at the international level. Dr. Ambedkar had tried to establish something similar while United Nations was being formed but his attempt somehow could not materialize.

Dalits with their limited resources are collaborating with different organizations and forming a good relationship with the discrimination communities in the different countries such as Dalits have formed the good relationship with Roma community of Hungary, where schools on the name of Dr. Ambedkar are being run by Jai Bhim Network. The only way forward for the discriminated communities around the world is to come together and fight against the injustice and discriminatory practiced.

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With Dalits’ efforts, the government of United Kingdom is also asking for the public opinion on the caste discrimination.

End Caste Discrimination - Dalit Rights FInland

Recently, Dalit Solidarity Network in Finland participated in the top NGO even of the year, the World Village Festival. Minna Havunen from the Dalit Solidarity Network reports on raising awareness of Dalit human rights issues at Finland’s top NGO event of the year, the World Village Festival.

“The Dalit Solidarity Network in Finland (DSNFi) participated in the World Village Festival on May 27-28. The festival had 78 000 visitors during the weekend. It is an annual multicultural event organised by the Kepa – the platform for Finnish CSOs. The festival program includes discussions on global themes related to human rights and sustainable development and a cultural program like music and dance. In addition, it is a place for Finnish CSOs to introduce their work.

DSNFi had its own tent in the festival area in which people could take DSNFi´s new leaflet (both in Finnish and English) and “No to caste discrimination” badges and read IDSN´s Annual report 2016. The visitors could also participate in a quiz related to caste discrimination. A few photos of Jakob Carlsen were also exhibited in the tent.

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The DSNFi board members and other DSNFi volunteers worked in the tent. There were many fruitful discussions during the festival and it was a great opportunity to raise awareness on caste discrimination.”

Dalit Rights are Human Rights

Dalit Solidarity Network in Finland (DSNFi) supports the human rights struggle of the Dalits. DSNFi advocates and raises awareness in Finland for the elimination of caste discrimination. Finland should address caste discrimination in the EU, UN and in its bilateral relations with the caste affected countries. Finnish companies and NGOs working in caste-affected countries should ensure that their operations do not include caste discrimination. DSNFi is a volunteer-based, registered organization. It is a member of the International Dalit Solidarity Network IDSN.

Dalits Fight in Finland

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