Dalit Neurologist Nominated as President of Tropical Neurology Group of World Federation of Neurology


A proud moment for everyone that a Dalit Neurologist Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram has been nominated as President of Tropical Neurology group of World Federation of Neurology. It is a tight slap on the face of Manuwadi who defame Dalit-Bahujans with the illogical arguments of merit.

Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram is the first doctor from the country nominated for Tropical Neurology group of World Federation of Neurology (WFN) as per the report from Times of India. He is Ambedkarite Buddhist from Nagpur.

Dr Meshram had also proposed the idea of nationwide public education programme as part of National Brain Week by Indian Academy of Neurology, which was accepted, and he was nominated national convener of this activity for last two years.

The World Federation of Neurology was formed in Brussels in 1957, as an association of national neurological societies. Today WFN represents 118 professional national societies in all regions of the world. The mission of the WFN, as the UK registered charity, is to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide, a goal we seek to achieve by promoting global neurological education and training, with the emphasis placed firmly on under-resourced parts of the world.

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Despite having 100% reservation for thousands of years Brahmins have not invented anything but caste system, which has killed millions since invention.

So-called merit-wala Brahmins keep on crying that Dalits don’t have merit and whenever someone tries to argue with them they give the illogical argument that – ‘why don’t you get treatment from Dalit doctors?’ All this to degrade Dalits and show Brahminical supremacy as if Brahmins have won Nobel Prizes in the field of science.

Dalit students are harassed in school, colleges and universities and there is not even a single step of life where so-called upper castes want to give any chance of growth to so-called lower castes in India. Many times, Dalits students are forced to commit suicide as we saw in the case of Rohith Vemula. So, to achieve anything in life Dalits have to struggle many times more than what so-called upper castes have to.

Read also:  Daily Words of Dr. Ambedkar for 23rd June

Despite all the discrimination, Dalit Neurologist achieved what so-called merit-wala couldn’t despite enjoying all the benefits of reservation in education for thousands of years. Congratulations to Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram once again!

Note – As per some other reports, he has been elected as an Organizing Secretary of INTROPICON (International Tropical Neurology Conference – 2017) not President of WFN.

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