Baahubali – A Casteist Movie From Casteist Director Who Said Untouchables Are Parasite


In his casteist post on Facebook, Baahubali director S S Rajamouli writes –

We learnt The Caste system from Manusmrithi was based on our lifestyle and not by birth. Mr. Prasad, A gentleman whom I play tennis with, told me a better expansion.

Panchama Jaathi (Untouchables) One who depends on others for his living. (Parasite)

Sudra One who lives for himself and his family.

Vysya One who makes profit for himself as well as for the person with whom he is trading with.

Kshatriya One who eats after the people under him have eaten.

Brahmin One who first learns and then teaches.


Baahubali director S S Rajamouli needs to come out of his cocoon and see the reality, who is really working and who are the parasites.

Caste groups those never did any work or are sitting in temples and begging are praised and Dalits who are working hard are labelled as “Parasite”.

Brahmins live on begging and since ages, they are sitting in temples and have made begging their profession. What have they taught to others? What is their contribution? Nothing.

An illiterate son of Brahmin can become a pujari at whichever temple he wants to but an educated Dalit can’t.

It’s the Dalit-Bahujans who are working in the factories, ploughing the fields and cleaning the streets not so-called upper castes especially Brahmins who are sitting idle and begging in temples.

If Manusmriti taught Baahubali director SS Rajamouli that Caste System was based on lifestyle, not by birth then how many Brahmins have become Dalit ever? Why is the caste of a child decided when he/she is born? This is lie and propaganda spread by Manuwadis that caste system was based on lifestyle/work etc but reality is different. How many educated Dalits have become Brahmins?

Will ever a Dalit who holds a PhD be treated as par with illiterate Brahmin? No. Isn’t it a reality of India?

Baahubali director S S Rajamouli’s casteist post is deeply offensive and casteist statements in which so-called lower castes are demonised and so-called upper castes are glorified.

Almost same casteist and racist mindset Rajamouli brought into his Baahubali series.

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In the first part of Baahubali series, the sick director did his best to present dark skin people as villains (Kalakeyas) and perpetuated stereotypes in the society that how dark skin is associated to bad.  Brahmins and Kshatriyas are shown light skinned and are given lead hero roles. Those who are shown as dark skin are the Mulnivasi of this country and director has done mischief to show them as villains and rakshaks.

Both parts of Baahubali movie try its best to establish the Aryan supremacy.

Presenting so-called lower castes as dirty and dark and villains is what Brahminical media does all the times. There is a strong need to create an alternative Bahujan culture.

Same casteist and racist nature of movie continue in the second part of Baahubali movie also. Brahminical rituals are promoted and at many occasions, different characters talk about the “Dharma of the Kshatriya” and glorify the position of Kshatriyas. Movie Baahubali promotes not only fake rituals but also Aryan supremacy and promotes Manusmriti.

What an irony that even after dividing India into thousands of castes so-called Brahmins are still considered patriots and glorified, such a shame.

Brahminical rituals are promoted and at many occasions, different characters talk about the “Dharma of the Kshatriya” and glorify the position of Kshatriyas. Movie Baahubali promotes not only fake rituals but also Aryan supremacy and promotes Manusmriti.

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  1. 1

    I never saw this shitty Indian movie even after my friends kept on pushing me onto it.
    First of all Indian movies are mostly stupid.
    Second of all castist director.
    Third of all stupid action.
    Third of all stupid romance which doesn’t exists in reality but people keep on watching it believing it.

  2. 2

    Mr Rajmouli and his references are sick and maligned. They know nothing. If at all he wants to know caste, he can refer to writings of Dr. B R Ambedkar. If he pretending of knowing less and passing on comment, then he is fool.

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