What Merit? A Dalit Tops Maharashtra Public Service Commission Exam
Stereotypes about Dalit-Bahujan community are so prevalent despite reality showing the different picture. Media and rulers don’t want Dalits to know their strength and they always try to demonise Dalits with labels such as – oh Dalits don’t have the brain and they can not study.
Here is another champion from our community, who has achieved this without having many resources.
The result for the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) was declared on 16th March in which a Dalit boy from Nashik, Bhushan Ahire has topped. Total 130 students qualified and Bhushan Ahire was declared topper. MPSC has recommended a total of five candidates for the post of sub-collector. The commission had conducted the preliminary examination in April 2016 and the mains exam in September 2016.
Bhushan Ahire topped the Merit List with 526 marks. Bhushan Ahire vows to work for the society and uplfitment of the disadvantaged. When toppers are from Dalit-Bahujan communities, what merit so-called Brahmins and upper castes talk about all the time? A few years back, V. T. Rajshekar had said,
“all ruling classes built” a theory by suited to their needs and try to give a ‘scientific’ backing to it. Merit and efficiency is a pure Aryan invention, aimed at maintaining their monopoly”.
Merit is a fake concept devised by upper castes to suppress lower castes, it’s the opportunities that matter..
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