Why Does Post Election UP Analysis Raises Many Questions?


In over 210 seats, the BJP won by the margin of 20000 votes. The largest margin was the Sahibabad where the BJP candidate won by 1.5 lakhs votes. Reflecting on the BJP’s performance in 2004 of just 12 seats to winning more than 300 seats in the 2016, it is almost difficult to see how it can get so many votes. The numbers do not add up to the final tally of the votes that the different political parties got. Why does post election UP analysis raises many questions?

Following are the factors that affect the calculations:

1. Modi is not popular in UP as the BJP/RSS backed media is claiming. His rallies were not attended by the people. In some cases, he had to cancel his visits.

2. Modi did not do anything so far other than media campaigning to better lives of the people. The demonetisation in fact increased the hardships of the people. Nothing good has emerged from this move.

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3. The BJP government boldly raised the prices of the LPGs by over 60 rupees even during the elections.

There are chances that something fishy has taken place. It smells of the big scale rigging of the system. Modi-Shah duo is known for ill political designs that uses all forms of coercion as they did in the state of Gujarat. Rigging elections is not a complex matter for them to do. The preliminary information is showing that the even the Muslims and the Dalits voted for the BJP en masse, which is impossible, given the BJP’s treatment to the Dalits and large scale agitation post-Rohith Vemula’s suicide and Muslim’s fear of rise of Hindutva.

The election commission appears to be slow in releasing the ward-wise data as to how the votes were casted to different candidates is also noteworthy. The sooner the data is released, the political parties in UP will be in better position to ascertain the status. The BJP/RSS is now showing anti-OBC sentiments by denying the Chief Ministership to Maurya, who is a Non-Yadav OBC.

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Author – Mangesh Dhaiwale

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  1. 1
    Vikas Lohia

    I was looking for an objective analysis of BJP win which is written by non BJP favoured media. Others are unnecessarily cheering for BJP and writing huge praise for Modi & Shah.
    I thought that on this website I’ll find a contrary view point but I’m disappointed that author, instead of analysing these elections with irrefutable data, has come down to baseless allegations and conspiracy theories.

    It’s hard to digest this massive BJP victory in UP, a foul play can’t be ruled out but before that we need concrete proof that elections or EVMs were rigged in someway. Where is the proof?

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