Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and International Women’s Day


Not many people know that Dr. Ambedkar always worked hard to uplift the situation of women in Indian society. Here are few of the less known quote/ideas/thoughts/work from Dr. Ambedkar on women empowerment. To celebrate Women’s Day without recognizing the contribution of Dr. Ambedkar, Savitribai Phule, and Mahatma Jotiba Phule is hypocrisy and shameful act.

  • Newspapers started by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Mooknayak and Bahiskrit Bharat predominantly used to cover issues related to women and their empowerment.
  • Dr. Ambedkar was always concerned about women empowerment. In a letter to his father’s friend, young Dr. Ambedkar, during his studies at New York, said – We shall see better days soon and our progress will be greatly accelerated if male education is persuaded side by side with female education…”
  • On 18th July 1927, Dr. Ambedkar addressed a meeting of about three thousand women of Depressed classes, he said ‘I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress which women had achieved.’

Check also – Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s fight for women’s rights


  • Never regard yourself as Untouchables, live a clean life. Dress yourselves as touchable ladies. Never mind, if your dress if full of patches, but see that it is clean. None can restrict your freedom in the choice of your garments. Attend more to the cultivation of the mind and spirit of self-help. – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (While addressing women of Depressed classes on 18th July 1927)
  • Send your children to schools. Education is as necessary for Females as it is for males. If you know how to read and write, there would be much progress.  – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (While addressing women of Depressed classes on 18th July 1927)
  • Dr. Ambedkar said to Women “Learn to be clean. Keep from vices. Give education to your children. Instill ambition into them. Inculcate in their minds that they are destined to be great. Remove from them all inferiority complexes.”
  • Dr. Ambedkar said to Women – The paternal duty lies in giving each child a better start than its parents had. Above all, let every girl who marries stand by her husband, claim to be her husband’s friend and equal, and refuse to his slave. I am sure if you follow this advice, you will bring honor and glory to yourselves.
  • Dr. Ambedkar raised the Women’s issue as Member of Legislative Council during his debate in Bombay Legislative Assembly on 10th Nov. 1938; he strongly advocated family planning measures and said that besides many other problems giving birth to many children negatively affects Mother’s health.
  • Did you know? Maternity Benefit Bill was introduced by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in 1942, during his tenure as Labour Minister in Governor General’s Executive Council.
  • While drafting the constitution of India, Dr. Ambedkar was the prime movers of the provisions related to the welfare of women. On the question of civil rights, Dr. Ambedkar made provisions in articles 14-16 in the Indian Constitution, which provide equal status to Woman and also banned the of sale and purchase of woman prevailing Hindu India.
  • Dr. Ambedkar also introduced an emancipatory bill (the Hindu code Bill) in Parliament which intended mainly 1) to abolish different marriage systems prevalent among Hindus and to establish monogamy as the only legal system; 2) Conferment of right to property and adoption on women; 3) restitution of conjugal rights and judicial separation; attempts to unify the Hindu Code in tune with progressive and modern thought.
  • Did you know? Dr. Ambedkar created awareness among poor, illiterate women and inspired them to fight against the unjust and social practices like child marriages and devadasi system.
  • How many Indian ministers have resigned over women issues?
Read also:  How Much Dalits Suffered Because of Hindu Caste System

Read also – Mahatma Jotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule’s contribution towards women empowerment

  • Did you know? In January 1928, a women‟s association was founded in Bombay with Ramabai, Dr. Ambedkar‟s wife, as its president.
  • Did you know? Dr. Ambedkar believed in the strength of women and their role in the process of social reform. In the Kalaram Temple entry Satyagraha at Nasik in 1930, five hundred women participated and many of them were arrested along with men and ill-treated in jails.
  • Did you know? Dr. Ambedkar believed in the strength of women and their role in the process of social reform. The historic Mahad Satyagraha witnessed participation of three hundred women along with their male counterparts.
  • I strongly believe in the movements run by women. If they are truly taken into confidence, they may change the present picture of the society which is very miserable. In past, they have played a significant role in improving the condition of weaker section and classes.
  • “Unity is meaningless without the accompaniment of women. Education is fruitless without educated women, and agitation is incomplete without the strength of women”.
  • In January 1928, a women’s association was founded in Bombay with Ramabai, Ambedkar’s wife, as its president.
  • On 20th July 1942, The All India Dalit Mahila conference was organized and 25,000 women attended that conference.
  • Gaining inspiration and encouragement from Dr. Ambedkar, many women wrote on topics like Planning, Buddhist philosophy, and such other topics. Women also wrote plays, autobiographies, and participated in Satyagrahas. Tulsabai Bansode started a newspaper Chokhamela. This showed how Dr. Ambedkar created awareness among poor, illiterate women and inspired them to fight against the unjust social practices like child marriages and devadasi system.

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