FABO UK Organised A Musical Tribute to Dr Ambedkar in the United Kingdom
To commemorate his 126th birth anniversary The Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organizations UK (FABO UK) organised a musical tribute to Bharat Ratna Dr Ambedkar on 24 April to mark his 126 …
“Emancipation At Will” – What Shall We Do?
What shall Dalit-Bahujans do for the emancipation? Is it dependent on our will to be free from caste discrimination? Read an article by Ashish Gajbe on what we shall do for emancipation?
Journalism in India, Once a Profession Now a Trade – Dr Ambedkar
Arnab Goswami launched a channel named Republic a few days ago. He is known as a BJP supporter and noise polluter in India! Republic TV is a media venture of ARG Outlier Media Pvt. Ltd, and Asianet…
Dr Ambedkar’s Election Speech at Patiala (Punjab) That You Haven’t Read
Read the Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Election speech delivered at Patiala, Punjab in which he attacked Congress and raised important issues.
Dated 29th October 1951
Dear brothers, as my frien…
चमचो का सफर
या तो हम पढ ही नहीं पा रहे थे फिर हम जो पढने लगे तो कुछ चमचे भी पैदा हो गए जो सवर्ण लोगो से जा मिले तब भी वो सवर्ण लोगो के बराबर नहीं हो सके कोई छूत की बीमारी उन मे बनी रही खैर इस पर मैं बाद मे आता…
Qualification of Priests at Temples – Brahmins, Fat Tummies & Capacity to Eat 100s of Halwa-Puri?
It is no surprise that the only qualification required to become priests in Brahmin temples in India is to born into a Brahmin family. No one from so-called lower castes is allowed to become priest…
सुयोग्य सांड चाहिए गौ माता के लिए (विज्ञापन)
यह कोई नई बात नहीं की ब्रह्मिणो ने आम जनता को उल्लू बनाने के लिए बहुत से तरीके बना रखे है। इस में से एक का उदहारण यहाँ पेश है – सुयोग्य सांड चाहिए गौ माता के लिए।
मेरे पड़ोसी के पास एक अविवाहित …
Shadow Armies: Fringe Organizations and Foot Soldiers of Hindutva (Book Review)
Dhirendra K Jha of the Scroll presents an analytical and in-depth analysis of how the fringe organizations of the RSS/BJP operate. His account is full of information and an account of how the organ…
Funds Diverted, SC/ST/OBC Students’ Scholarships Denied
The Brahminical system tries its best to stop Dalit-Bahujans from progressing and adopts different tactics to deprive opportunities of education to Dalit-Bahujan communities. Depriving Dalit-Bahuja…
Caste of Indian Courts – What Is Wrong With The Indian Judicial System?
The ongoing tussle between Justice Karnan of Calcutta High Court and the 7 Supreme Court Judges has exposed the fault-lines in the Indian Judicial system. The fault-lines run much deeper than what …
Points and Counterpoints – Strategies That BJP/RSS Is Using To Consolidate Power
The RSS/BJP is using several strategies to consolidate their power in India. This is the summary of the strategies they are using to woo different sections of the Indian population:
For Tribals,…
Baahubali – A Casteist Movie From Casteist Director Who Said Untouchables Are Parasite
In his casteist post on Facebook, Baahubali director S S Rajamouli writes –
We learnt The Caste system from Manusmrithi was based on our lifestyle and not by birth. Mr. Prasad, A gentleman whom I …
Need To Create an Alternate Mulnivasi-Bahujan Culture
“The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism”- Dr. B R Ambedkar
This statement of Babasaheb Ambedkar has far wider connotation than just sign…
Namasudra History Congress – Unknown and Neglected Chapters of History
Namasudra Thinkers & Activists Forum held a first ever 2-day Namasudra History Congress (NHC), February 18-19, 2017 at Calcutta. In important turn of history the populous Namasudra community played…
Why Is The RSS/BJP Government So Secretive?
The goal before the nation and the agenda in a broader form for India is set in the constitution of India. In India, the constitution is supreme, and nothing can be above it, whatever is above it, …