What’s Up With This Insistence On Fundamental Duties?
Author – Waseem Ahmad
There is a certain buzz about fundamental duties these days. I heard from many people, including university professors, students, and members of the political establishment, …
The Myth of Poor Brahmins in India – Brief History of Their Generational Wealth
Author – Anuradha Bele
The Union of India did not exist before 1947, the union was a collection of more than 550 princely states and many thousands, if not lakhs, of smaller estates, owned by he…
Casteism Under The Umbrella of Marxism
Author – Balaka Chattaraj
The issue of caste within Marxist ideology in the context of India and West Bengal, in particular, has been a matter of discussion that suggests the theore…
Humble Tribute To A True Ambedkarite Soldier Professor Malke
On Sunday afternoon just after enjoying our Sunday feast when I was talking with family members, We got a call with the news that Malke sir left the world. Suddenly the environment in the room chan…
Development or Devilopment?
Author – Sarthak Mehra
Development and development studies are two very basic inter-related terms but they carry contrasting meanings. Development, on the one hand, has worked on the principle o…
Dalit Lives Matter – Let’s Go Global
Author – Dr Jas Simran Kehal
My dear oppressed brethren. Oppressed since centuries, why not take motivation from the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and make the world take notice of the Dalit’s plight and…
“बहुजन” से “सर्वजन” – सही, साजिश या भूल ?
Author – सतविंदर मनख
2007 में; OBC, SC, ST जातियों के “बहुजन” आंदोलन को बदल कर, “सर्वजन” किया गया। यह सही फैसला था; एक साजिश थी या बहुत बड़ी भूल ? इस विषय पर, एक लंबी बहस छिड़ चुकी है।
राष्ट्रपिता …
Women’s Right to Public Pleasure – Safety, Protectionism or Exclusion?
Author – Dr. Amritpal Kaur
When society wants to keep her women safe, it never chooses to make public spaces safe for her. Instead, it aims to lock her up in a private space, from one sheltered …
Complete Autonomy To Institutions In NEP2020 – Elites Only Education System
Author – Harishchandra Sukhdeve
The Central govt. has approved National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020) based on the draft NEP2019. Though Modi government has toned down brash verbosity of the d…
Article 370 – Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Author – Ranjan Majumder
If you are asked directly, why had Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar refused to draft Article 306 (A) i.e. Article 370? You may be answerless or will avoid or just pass on with…
Take An Impartial Stand in Payal Tadavi Case – IADF to State Government of Maharashtra
The Maharashtra government should take a clear stand during the August 31st hearing in the Supreme Court to refuse migration of the Casteist and racist accused to other medical colleges for incitin…
Upper Caste Migration to America – Allies of the White Supremacists
Author – Anuradha Bele
According to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, untouchability and slavery were linked in their hostility to democracy and blacks and untouchables were linked by a shared social stat…
राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति या बहिष्करण की नीति?
Author – ऋतू बाला and मनोज कुमार
वर्तमान मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री श्री रमेश पोखरियाल तथा पूर्व में इसी मंत्रालय में मंत्री रहे प्रकाश जावड़ेकर ने शिक्षा नीति 2020 लांच की। दोनों ने इसे भविष्य के ल…
Caste-Based Violence
Author – Heena Singhal
The atrocities on Dalits are increasing at an alarming pace even after the enactment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, which got…
Concept Note: Vimukta Month – Where Goes Our Freedom?
Prepared by – Disha Wadekar and Arati Kade
The struggles, histories, culture and assertions of nomadic and denotified tribes have become a profitable enterprise for many. The discourses of nomad…