Omniscient [Poem]
I have lived without the Vedas
And their knowledge
For centuries.
I can live without the Vedas
And their knowledge
For centuries.
You poured molten lead
Into my ears to prevent me
From l…
The “Great Game” of Language and the “Caste System”
What makes human beings different from the other animals is language and the ability to use the symbols at the higher level of abstraction. The varying degrees of abstractions create the methods to…
Dalit Women Fight in Support of Bhim Army
One of the major landmarks of Dalit movement led by Dr B.R. Ambedkar had been the huge participation of women and their articulation for political, social and economic rights for women in general a…
Can Dalits Ever Love Gandhi? Not After Reading This
Our feelings of love or dislike must be based upon historical facts. Everyone knows that Gandhi was racist in South Africa before coming to India. Read racist quotes of so-called Mahatma.
How coul…
Gandhi – 55 Racist Quotes of so-called Mahatma
All quotes are direct quotations from “The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi,” here abbreviated as “CWMG.” All grammatical errors and misspellings are the responsibility of so-called Mahatma Mohand…
Political Mobilisation of the Lower Castes in India: The Role of the Scheduled Castes
A word on words to begin with. India’s so called lower castes are not lower and lesser as human beings, but treated lower by India’s Hindu Social Order. We will use the lower caste as a political, …
Ram Rajya and Attack on Indian Nationhood
Under Yogi Adityanath, the RSS/BJP have officially launched Ram Rajya in the state of UP. The prayers and rituals are conducted day in and day out in Ayodhya, with official support and it’s claimed…
जानिए ऐसे 20 सवाल, जो मीडिया नरेंद्र मोदी से नहीं पूछता – दिलीप मंडल की कलम से
बीजेपी ने 2014 के लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले अपने घोषणापत्र में भारत की जनता से कुछ वादे किए थे, जिन्हें पांच साल में पूरा किया जाना था. बीजेपी ने यह भी कहा था कि जो कहते हैं, वह करते हैं. बीजेपी ने जो क…
Reflection on the Buddha
We often see the Buddha sitting cross-legged and in deep absorption with a loving smile as if he has gone beyond the normal experiences of life. What is it to be the Buddha is difficult to know ful…
Dalit-Bahujan Rap – Children of Counter Culture
Dedicated to all the Children of Counter Culture (Dalit Bahujan Culture) which stands in complete opposition to the Brahmin culture of this country.
This is the alternative which has space for h…
Why It is Time to Dump Gandhi #GandhiMustFall
Fam. It’s real talk time.
Beyond the “Be the change you want to see in the world” movement brand phenomenon that is Mahatma Gandhi, there is an insidious legacy of Casteism, racism, and sexual p…
What Babasaheb Ambedkar Said on Hindu Social Reformers Including Gandhi
Only a fool can say that one should cling to one’s own religion only because it is ancestral. No sane person can accept such an argument. “You should live in the same circumstances in which you are…
Angry Tears [Poem]
In the train,
Certain Indian
Met the German,
After formal introduction,
Him praised the Indian,
For Swastik and calling Aryan.
Indian talked about Hindu religion
With praiseworthy words,
यूजीसी के इस फैसले से बदल जाएगा भारत में उच्च शिक्षा का परिदृश्य
‘नीयत’ यानी इंटेंशन अगर सही नहीं हो तो भारतीय दर्शन परंपरा में महिमामंडित ‘न्याय’ और ‘नीति’ का समागम भी समतामूलक आदर्श समाज की संरचना नहीं कर सकता।
विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग ने‘राष्ट्रीय पात्रता…
Dangerous Iceberg of Discontent in India
What we are seeing is the tip of the dangerous iceberg of discontent in India!
The domestic currency exchange market that the RSS/BJP Government forced in India through demonetisation has gone d…