The Modern Buddhism and Its Followers in Orissa
Nagendranath Vasu authored book ‘The Modern Buddhism and Its Followers in Orissa‘ and it was published in the year 1911. Its preface is written by Haraprasad Shastri who extensively on Buddhism in …
Dalit Neurologist Nominated as President of Tropical Neurology Group of World Federation of Neurology
A proud moment for everyone that a Dalit Neurologist Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram has been nominated as President of Tropical Neurology group of World Federation of Neurology. It is a tight slap on th…
Pimps and Procurers of Judiciary – Bane of Indian democracy
“Courts are comparable to brothels” – Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (26 June 1838–8 April 1894), a Deputy Magistrate of Government of Bengal wrote celebrated novel Anandam…
उना से आई फिर आवाज़,नहीं सहेंगे हिंदु राष्ट्र, भगवा आतंकवाद और पूंजीवाद!
उना कांड की पहली बरसी पर राष्ट्रीय आह्वान, गुजरात में होगा ‘आज़ादी कूच’
दलित, मुस्लिम, मज़दूर और किसान साथ मिलकर मांगेगे तीन साल का हिसाब
बहुजन,मज़दूर और किसान साथ मिल फिर ललकारेंगे ‘गाय की पूंछ…
BJP/RSS, GST and Presidential Election – Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?
With so many political upheavals going on India, it is very difficult to wade our way through to arrive at the correct perspective. The RSS/BJP Government is set to begin GST regime on June 1, 2017…
Mao to Lama [Poem]
“My mother too was a Buddhist.
Religion is poison.
Motherland will take care of you. “
And dismissed him like an
Uninvited, unliked intruder.
Mao declared thus
His was not a civilising rel…
President’s Race – Dalit vs Dalit – Meira Kumar or Ramnath Kovind?
Congress-led opposition parties today announced Meira Kumar as their candidate for the upcoming presidential elections in India. It is now to be seen who will get the maximum support while in the r…
BJP’s Presidential Candidate Nominee – Mr. Ramnath Kovind – A Bogus Dalit
BJP’s Presidential candidate Mr. Ramnath Kovind belongs to “Koli/Kori” community which is predominant in Gujarat, apart from other states in our country. They intermixed with Rajputs due to the pra…
Pseudo-Nationalism of India and Pakistan Based on Cricket
As human beings, we all love games and sporting events. It is the part of our evolutionary history. The gaming must have started when we competed to beat our friends and foes in targeting various o…
Great Dalit Women Leaders and Their Participation in Dalits’ Struggle
One of the major landmarks of Dalit Movement led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had been the huge participation of women and their articulation for political, social and economic rights for women in general …
What Can We Learn From The Run Up To The “Presidential Elections” In India?
The President of India is a ceremonial post. It is often compared with the “rubber stamp”. But as the head of state, it is also a prestigious post. The orders are issued in his name and proclamatio…
Justice Denied Once Again – Dalit Judge Justice C S Karnan Arrested
While some Dalits were starting to demand that Justice C S Karnan should be next president, BJP played another card and arrested Justice Karnan.
Justice C S Karnan retired on 12th June from his …
Who Can Remove PM Modi Legally?
Any Governance system implemented by the Constitution has to work in good times and bad times. The system must have means to correct itself after a temporary turbulent period. Hence, every balanced…
Can Undemocratic Methods Preserve Indian republic?
The Indian Republic is the gift of the constitution that came into being in 1950. India became People’s Republic in 1950. The ultimate source of the power is India’s citizens. The idea of Indian Re…
Is Privatisation a Solution to Ailing Air India?
After the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1992, India went through the structural overhaul of its economy and the parameters on which Indian economy structured is summarised in three words: Privatisat…