Why I Oppose Telangana Government’s Plan for Dalits Only University
In 2009, I visited Hungary and worked as a volunteer at Dr Ambedkar School in Hungary. At that time, there were protests were going against the separate Roma/Gypsy schools and international organis…
12 Things You Should Know About Paarpaan (Brahmins) of Tamil Nadu
Here are 12 things you should know about Paarpaan (Brahmins) of Tamil Nadu. These points are transcript prepared by Suthamalli Ganga. (If you understand Tamil, you can listen to the video at the en…
Mukta Salve – First Voice of Dalit Feminism
Jotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule, the social revolutionary couple started first girls’ school at Budhawar Peth in Pune in 1848. While working to educate women and lower castes, they both taught an…
God Market In India Will Destroy Indian Economy
Meera Nanda wrote a wonderful book on how Hindutva infuses in the market economy and how the economy gets saffronized. No market is innocent. Every market is ideology driven. This is also true abou…
Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Help Facebook Understand Caste System in India!
Hi Mark,
This is regarding banning an Indian news page called ‘National Dastak’ by Facebook.
You must have heard of the caste system. But you never knew how it worked. Let this link from BBC …
बहुजन मीडिया को ख़तरा किस बात से है?
फेसबुक द्वारा के नेशनल दस्तक पेज को बाधित करना घोर निंदनीय है। जब धार्मिक उन्माद फैलाने वाले पेज चल रहे, अश्लील पेज चल रहे तो नेशनल दस्तक के साथ फेसबुक के अधिकारी सौतेला व्यवहार क्यो कर रहे। जब की …
भाई जी, खेलना है तो ठीक से खेलिए, ये नहीं कि हारने लगे तो अपना बैट लेकर भाग गए!
फेसबुक और ट्विटर पर फेसबुक इंडिया के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर उमंग बेदी की ऑफ़िस में सत्यनारायण कथा वाली फ़ोटो वायरल होने के बाद आज सुबह उमंग बेदी ने अपनी सारी ऑफिशियल फ़ोटो डिलीट कर दी है।
कल तक जिस …
कौन है जो डिजिटल दलित से डर रहा है और बहुजन वेबसाइट पर रोक लगा रहा है?
फेसबुक पर सुदर्शन न्यूज, इंडिया टीवी और ज़ी न्यूज की दंगाई खबरें चल सकती हैं, RSS के सारे हिंसक पेज चल सकते हैं, अंधविश्वास और पोंगापंथ फैलाने वाले पेज चल सकते हैं, सारे सवर्ण जातिवादी और आरक्षण वि…
सोशल मीडिया की मनुस्मृति – नेशनल दस्तक के फेसबुक पेज पर पाबंदी!
सोशल मीडिया की मनुस्मृति. पुराने समय में वे आपकी जीभ काट लेते थे. अब भी वे आपको अपनी बात अपने लोगों तक पहुंचाने नहीं देंगे. भारतीय कटेंट को मॉनिटर कर रहे फेसबुक इंडिया के हैदराबाद, मुंबई और गुड़गां…
Manusmriti Rules of Facebook – Bans National Dastak Posts #IAmWithNationalDastak
It is not the first time that Facebook has tried to block the Dalit-Bahujans’ voice. When Manusmriti was enforced they used to cut tongue but in the digital age they curtail Dalit-Bahujan voices wi…
The Theft of History – Distorting Buddhist History in India
History is the record of the past, and as George Orwell said, it remains in the forms of the material records and memory and both records and memories can be changed. All over the places, the domin…
The Caste in Local Governance in India
Gram Sabha is being conducted in a small village in Mahabubnagar district of Telangana. This village is reeling under lack of drinking water, school dropouts, inadequate health facilities, and abse…
Gunda Raj in BJP Ruled Uttar Pradesh – The Return of Upper Castes
In first 100 days of Yogi Adityanath led BJP/RSS government, Saharanpur riots in which Thakurs burnt Dalits’ houses and killed Dalits was not the only incident of violence against Dalits and minori…
How India Elects President and Nominates Prime Minister?
India a supposed be a democratic nation with well-established election processes and Constitutional positions with their respective roles and responsibilities.
President is highest Constitutiona…
Which ‘Mother Cow’? Business is a Business – RSS-BJP to Sell Beef in Kerala!
Self-proclaimed cow worshipper, cow urine drinkers and discoverer of gold in cow dung, RSS/BJP followers in Kerala have decided to sell beef. It is not a first time that BJP/RSS has changed its sta…