Sudirsukt- Hymns of a Shudra – The Poems of Revolt against Purusha-Sukta
According to Vedic Brahminical myths, the four Varnas were created through the body of Purusha. The word Purusha is synonyms with male and is contrasted with Prakriti (nature). These philosophical …
Freedom of Press and Right to Live with Dignity in India
Article 21 of the Indian constitution guarantees its citizens “right to live” and the subsequent judgements extended this right to “right to live with dignity”. The Fundamental Rights in the Indian…
Pollution in India – Flouting the Order of Court
The Indian Express reported that India ranks highest in a number of deaths due to pollution. Over 2.5 million people died due to pollution. Our two neighbours, China and Pakistan, rank second and t…
Buddhism, Human Rights, and Social Renewal
“Buddhism, Human Rights, and Social Renewal” is the title of a book written by Nalin Swaris. It is a short book, but perhaps more relevant for the students of Buddhism, Human Rights, and social mov…
Caste Equation, Politics and Upcoming Elections in Gujarat
It appears that the Congress Party has started talking to “dissidents” of the caste system. The press reported that one of the famous leaders of SC, ST, and OBC Ekta Manch, Alpesh Thakore, is joini…
सूबे में प्रतिमा-विसर्जन में हो रहे सांप्रदायिक तनाव के लिए योगी सरकार जिम्मेदार – रिहाई मंच
भाजपा की रणनीति है कि पूरे देश को साम्प्रदायिकता की आग में झोंककर कुर्सी हासिल किया जाये
लखनऊ 22 अक्टूबर 2017. रिहाई मंच ने सूबे में प्रतिमा-विसर्जन के दौरान हो रहे सांप्रदायिक तनाव के लिए योगी …
झारखंड में भूख से हुई मौत एक बेटी की मौत नहीं बल्कि रोटी की मौत
कुछ दिन पहले झारखंड में भूख की वजह से एक बच्ची की जान चली गई। बच्ची की मौत भूख के चलते हुई क्योंकि परिवार का राशन कार्ड, पहचान पत्र न होने के चलते रद्द कर दिया गया था। इंसान कितना स्वार्थी और निर्द…
Patna Gained at Dacca’s Cost
Bihar is euphoric over centenary celebrations of the Patna University. After Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, the nineteenth century saw the birth of two more universities—the fourth, Punjab Univers…
BJP Led Maharashtra Government Loots SC/ST Sub-Plan Funds
Diwali is celebrated by giving gifts to others, but Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister, Maharashtra is setting a new trend of diverting amount of Rs. 1000 Crore from Scheduled Caste Component and Sc…
Kejriwal Govt. Goes Against its Own Notification to Remove Reservation
Delhi Govt had published a recruitment notice last year for engagement of Guest Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) Urdu / and TGT Punjabi in Delhi Govt Schools for 2016-17. As the notice dated 28/10/2…
अमित शाह……ब जी, अब सोशल मीडिया से इतनी बौखलाहट क्यों
नेताओं की सियासत -बोलो मत, सिर्फ झेलो।
राजनीति भी अजीब होती है। राजनेता तो उससे भी अजीब होते हैं। दरअसल राजनीति एक बिजनेस की तरह है। जैसे बिजनेसमैन कोई भी बात अपने नफे-नुकसान के आधार पर करता है …
61st Dhamma Chakra Pravartan Din Celebration in New York City
We are delighted to share that the 61st Dhamma Chakra Pravartan day was celebrated in New York City on October 14th, 2017. The venue was within less than a mile away from the Columbia University wh…
What is the Buddhists’ Moral Responsibility at the Time of Rohingya Genocide?
Buddha was the first great reformer in the ancient society and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar believed that Buddhism could be called as a revolution. A religious revolution that turned into social as well a…
Understanding Indian Communist Leadership – From ‘Why I am not a Hindu’ by Prof Kancha Ilaiah
Notionally the Communist leadership was trying to portray itself as an integral part of the masses and to stress that it was no different from the people. But in reality the Dalitbahujan masses and…
How do Hindu Gods & Goddesses Compare with Dalit-Bahujan’s Gods & Goddesses
How do Hindu Goddesses like Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Durga compare with Dalitbahujan’s Goddesses like Pochamma, Kattamaisamma, Polimeramma, Yellamma, Mankalamma, Mareamma ?
The cultural, eco…