Why You Should Read Buddhist Classic Texts
Why read Buddhist classic texts?
Before we embark on our journey, we should qualify the term “Buddhist classic texts”, not as sacred texts, but as the repository of the voices that spoke for the…
Wallpapers – Babasaheb Ambedkar
We got these following wallpapers from friends who wanted to share these with others. In case you always have some important information/images etc to share with others, please send us.
धरती आबा बिरसा मुंडा को समर्पित सूरज कुमार बौद्ध की कविता- अबुआ दिशुम, अबुआ राज
अबुआ दिशुम अबुआ राज
हे धरती आबा,
तुम याद आते हो।
खनिज धातुओं के मोह में
राज्य पोषित ताकतें
हमारी बस्तियां जलाकर
अपना घर बसा रहे हैं।
मगर हम लड़ रहे हैं
केकड़े की तरह इन बगुलों के
गर्दन क…
BJP Must Stop Using Babasaheb’s Name to Further its Vicious Agenda
Recently, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Fandanvis, claimed that Modi is working on implementing Babasaheb Ambedkar’s model by “demonetisation” and he cited Babasaheb Ambedkar’s great work “The…
Castes and Myths – Bust the Myths
Hinduism is a conglomeration of superstitions and myths. – Arthur Miles
Castes are unreal. Unlike other forms of discrimination which can be attributed to physical aspects (like the skin colour,…
5 Friends mean Minus 1 Slave – Support Roma Education
On 5th June 2014, Pope Francis warned Europeans, ’Without integration, Gypsies become victims of new forms of slavery.’
From the Vatican, the Holy Father sees clearly the shameful picture: old a…
Cow Urine Bank – A Healthy Dose for Indians in BJP/RSS’s Style
The cow is not just an animal around which the politics of RSS/BJP revolves, but also it is turning out to be an important animal for the RSS/BJP to solve India’s medical and agricultural problems….
[Book Review] Republic of Rhetoric: Free Speech and the Constitution of India
You can buy the book on Amazon and on Flipkart from here
Exploring socio-political as well as the legal history of India, from the British period to the present, this book brings to light the i…
Intellectual Class’s Apathy Toward Politics
The intellectual class among the Bahujans is spending a good amount of time in organizing lectures on Indian constitution, celebrating constitution day and reciting the preamble to the constitution…
Data From 8 RTI Replies Show How Deep Rooted Caste Discrimination is at Public Sector Organisations
‘Where there is a will there is a way’, you might have heard this proverb many times in your life but in India especially this doesn’t hold true. Another version of this proverb is much more releva…
Why Student’s Day Celebrations Don’t Make Sense
November 7th was observed as Student’s Day in Maharashtra to mark Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s entry into school. He enrolled at the Pratapsingh High School in the Maharashtra’s Satara district 117 yea…
#StandWithChandrashekharAzad – Statement by the Committee for the Defence of Bhim Army
“The UP government and its district administration are invoking the NSA to delay, if not actually circumvent, the judicial process and thus keep Chandrashekhar in prison as long as possible – even …
How Do We Stop RSS/BJP From Harming The Nation?
These days, the intellectuals, thinkers, leaders and activists of the movement are spending lot of time and energy in making critical analysis of the way the RSS/BJP governments at center and state…
चंद्रशेखर पर रासुका लगाकर प्रदेश की सवर्ण-सामंती सरकार इंसाफ का गला घोट रही – रिहाई मंच
चंद्रशेखर पर रासुका लगाकर प्रदेश की सवर्ण-सामंती सरकार इंसाफ का गला घोट रही – रिहाई मंच. प्रदेश की सवर्ण सामन्ती सरकार चंद्रशेखर को लम्बे समय तक जेल में फर्जी ढंग से फंसाकर रखना चाहती है- अनिल यादव…
चंद्रशेखर आजाद रावण पर रास्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम (रासुका)
चंद्रशेखर आजाद रावण आज दलित अस्मिता और आजाद खयालो के प्रतीक बन चुके हैं. उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने उन पर रास्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम लगाकर इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट के उस आदेश की तौहीन की है जिसमे उसने आजाद को ब…