[Transcript] Dr. Ambedkar Speaks on M.K. Gandhi and Poona Pact (BBC Radio) – 1955
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar speaks on M.K. Gandhi (BBC Radio)
Ambedkar: I met Mr Gandhi first in 1929, through the intervention of friend of mine, common friend, who asked Mr Gandhi to see me. So Mr Gandh…
Transcript of Dr Ambedkar’s 1953 Interview with BBC – When Dr Ambedkar Said Democracy Won’t Work in India
Recently BBC released a part of the video of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s interview with BBC. You can find that video at the end of this post. Here I present the transcript of the interview of Dr. B. R. Am…
Kautilya on GST and Manu as the Founder of Globalisation – Mockery of Economics and Politics
In the state of UP, the topics mentioned were asked as questions at the post-grad level examination in political science. Since the BJP/RSS Government came into power in UP, the blatant saffronisat…
On Babasaheb’s Death Anniversary
Babasaheb Ambedkar was against the heroes and hero worship, but he agreed that the history is the biography of the great men and women. History is the creation of human mind as much as it is the bi…
मुसलमानों की जनसभा, मुंबई, 22 दिसम्बर, 1951 के बाबासाहेब डॉ अंबेडकर के भाषण से उद्धृत
कांग्रेस ने मुस्लिमों के लिए क्या किया है? आप सोचते होंगे कि कांग्रेस ने सन् 1947 के दंगो में आपकी जान बचाई, पर यह बिल्कुल गलत है। क्योंकि कांग्रेसियों ने आपको शरण देने के बजाय अपने अपराधी तत्त्वों…
On Buddhism in the Modern World and India’s Resurgent Buddhist Movement
Buddhism in the modern world is a vast topic and it will need a lot of skills in moving through the cultures and societies to understand Buddhism in the modern world, but some of the trends are sig…
30 November – Remembering Annai Meenambal Sivaraj – First Dalit Woman President of South India Scheduled Castes Federation (SCF)
Annai Meenambal Sivaraj was born into a Dalit family that had migrated from Tamil Nadu to Myanmar. In Rangoon, her family was able to escape the brutality of the caste system and flourish both soci…
Crimes Against SCs and STs Have Increased 5.5% and 4.7% – NCRB Reports
There is not a single that when Dalits are not attacked by so-called upper castes. National Crime Records Bureau released Crime in India 2016 report on 30th November 2017 and as per the report crim…
भिक्षु प्रज्ञानंद – बाबा साहब को बौद्ध धर्म की दीक्षा देने वाले भिक्षु प्रज्ञानंद नहीं रहे
बाबा साहब को बौद्ध धर्म की दीक्षा देने वाले भिक्षु प्रज्ञानंद नहीं रहे।
डॉ. अम्बेडकर को दीक्षा देेने वाले बौद्घ भिक्षु प्रज्ञानंद का परिनिर्वाण लखनऊ के मेडिकल कॉलेज ( के जी एम सी ) में हो गया है…
What We Can Learn From Mahatma Jotiba Phule
In the history of modern India, Jotiba Phule is one of the brightest stars who guided India towards more equal and egalitarian society. He paved a way for emergence of the Civil rights movement in …
New Education Policy of RSS/BJP – Deepening the Crisis
The HRD minister has indicated that India will have a new Education policy announced in December 2017. Kasturirangan, a former scientist with ISRO, is heading the committee. The RSS/BJP Government …
ज्योतिबा फुले को याद करते हुए
आज ही के दिन 28 नवम्बर, 1890 को एक महान समाजसेवी बहुजन नायक “ज्योतिबा फुले जी” का देहावसान हुआ था। ज्योतिबा का जन्म “गोविंदराव” और “चिमनाबाई” के यहाँ एक “माली” परिवार में हुआ था। ज्योतिबा महज नौ मा…
I Am Not A Witch – Documentary Film by Somnath Waghmare
About film – ‘ I am not a Witch ‘ is the story of one landless-homeless old Tribal women from Nandurbar District Maharashtra, India.how women in Nandurbar are accused of being a witch and stormed o…
Band-Aid Economics of RSS/BJP
After making unmindful moves, the RSS/BJP Government really made the mess of Indian economy. The draconian note-bandi yielded no positive gains for the economy. Rather, it put the Indian economy in…
“Ratings” Mania of the RSS/BJP Government and Reality
The game of upgrading India’s sovereign bond rating from Moody rating agency: from Baa3 to Baa2
It is interesting how the top brasses in the RSS/BJP Governments, the bureaucrats and the politici…