Should We Visit Temples Patronised or Controlled by Brahmins and Brahmin Priests?
That is a big question! Indeed A Million-Dollar Question! But sure not difficult to Answer! Only that We have to apply our minds, exercise them and coolly think! That We must!! And definitely!…
Is the Government Authorized to Peep into the Private Lives of People?
In an interesting twist, the SC bench has arrived at the conclusions which cannot be accepted by the citizens of India. The government has no right to the private lives of the people. But the judge…
Brahmanist Assault on Buddhists
The massacres and oppression perpetrated by Brahmanist zealots out of religious hatred for Buddhists in ancient times are a matter of the historical record. Yet, for reasons best known to themselve…
Ram Rajya is the Casteist, Racist and Anti-Women Kingdom
Hindu nationalists in the USA are losing no words to praise Trump and his divisive policies. Shalabh Kumar, a Hindu nationalist, close to Trump and was an integral part of Trump’s campaign iterated…
Making Parliament a House of Lies and Factionalism – Modi and His Rhetoric in Rajya Sabha
In his speech addressed to RS and broadcasted all over India through RSTV, Modi hit the bottom low. He spent all his time and energy on how the Congress party destroyed India. There is some grain o…
Devadasi – Holy Aryan Hindu Prostitution System in Indian Temples
Devadasi system is not only exploitation of women, it is the institutionalized exploitation of women; it is the exploitation of Dalits, the lower class of untouchables; it is the religious sanction…
Babasaheb Ambedkar – Rebel, Reformer or a Revolutionary
Ambedkar was definitely a Rebel – when he had himself chosen to lead a crusade against the well-established & accepted social norms of the Society. In that, he chose to question & violate the clear…
Predicting the Past
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was a very learned social crusader. Widely read in history, culture, religion, economy, law and jurisprudence; realised very early in his career that distortion of religion …
Baba Saheb Ambedkar, SCs & STs and Railways
Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar – Yes, Dr Ambedkar for the World, Baba Saheb for the Nation, Messiah for SC&ST Dalits – is still called the Leader of the Dalits, Leader of only the SC&ST Dalits. For some, he…
आंबेडकर बनाम हेडगेवार: जाति विनाश बनाम समरस एकात्मवाद
दिलीप मंडल
पुणे के पास भीमा कोरेगांव में दलितों के सालाना जमावड़े पर हमले और उसके बाद के आंदोलन से संघ यानी आरएसएस चिंतित है. मध्य प्रदेश के विदिशा में चल रही संघ के मध्य क्षेत्र की समन्वय बैठक …
Unconscionable – Caste Prejudice in India
In the last week’s edition of the Economist, there is an article on Caste Prejudice in India. The article is focused on the Dalits and the subtext of the article is: Dalits are better off than they…
Cess pe Cess, Hitting the SCs/STs and Creating Wealth Out of Cow Dung – Summary of Budget 2018
The budget 2018 is the last full budget of the RSS/BJP Government and it is reckless on many accounts, but on one account it is irresponsible is shifting the burden of its mindless spending on thos…
Why Policy Analysis is a Crucial Aspect of the Social and Political Movement?
In the democratic political system, either we work as the government or with the government if there has to be any significant change in the lives of the people through state intervention. If the p…
Manu Rules RSS’s Heart
During the year 1949, when the Constitution of India was being formulated by the Drafting Assembly under the able-leadership of Babasaheb Ambedkar, an editorial appeared in RSS mouthpiece Organiser…
Dr. Ambedkar and Democracy – An Anthology
Jaffrelot and Narender Kumar edited select passages from the vast ocean of Ambedkariana that relates to Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on Democracy. It is a useful addition to the corpus of the literature…