#DalitsAdivasisResist – 1st May to be Observed as “National Resistance Day’ Against the Supreme Court Judgment on SC-ST Act
Dalits and Adivasi organisations from all over the country have planned to take to the streets on May 1st, which is also a Labour Day. Dalits and Adivasi organisations have decided to observe 1st M…
When Renaming ‘Gol Chowk’ to ‘Sambhidan Chowk’ Made so-called Upper Castes Angry & Killed Dalit
Dalit brother, 19yr old, Yaswant Bobby died. He was injured in Phagwara (Punjab). On 13th April, so-called upper castes had attacked Dalits with guns when Dalits had put sign-board of Dr Ambedkar a…
In Dalit History - Legal Protections: The SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989
For a successful revolution, it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity, and importance of political and social righ…
Remembering Who We Lost – Mass Murders of Dalits in Bihar During 1976–2000
Bihar in the 1970s began to see a series of small to insignificant state recommended land redistribution schemes transferring land to landless Dalits laborers from landlords. But even these small e…
We Dedicate This Dalit History Month To Our Sister Rajni Tilak
We dedicate Dalit History Month 2018 to Dalit Feminist Rajni Tilak whose activism, writing and leadership were crucial to pushing Dalit women’s leadership in both Dalit and Indian Feminists movemen…
Bangladesh Quota and Indian Quota – A Comparison
Recently, many students mobilized in Bangladesh to agitate against the “quota” system and it was wrongly reported in India that Bangladesh abolished “reservation” system. For many reasons, the corr…
Remembering Mukta Salve – The First Dalit Girl Student Going Towards The Buddha
Mukta Salve, a granddaughter of Lahuji Salve, a fourteen-year ‘Matanga’ (untouchable) girl studying for three years and studying in the third standard in the school of Mahatma and Sawitrbai Phule, …
Celebrating Dalit History: The Punjabi Dalit Christians of Pakistan
Adapted from the powerful and inspiring research and work of Asif Aqeel: Caste Away: The Ongoing Struggle of Punjabi Christians
Most stories of partition leave out the story of Dalits and Adivas…
Celebrating Dalit History: The Southern India Buddhist Vihar — A Community Revival
The Southern India Buddhist Vihar re-opened in Perambur in January of 2018 in Perambur, Tamil Nadu after renovations to great celebrations, visits and prayers by monks from 40 different countries.
कुशीनगर हादसे पर बसपा का प्रेस रिलीज़
बी.एस.पी. की राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष, उत्तर प्रदेश की पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री व पूर्व सांसद सुश्री मायावती जी ने आज कुशीनगर में ट्रेन व स्कूली वैन की टक्कर में करीब 13 स्कूली बच्चों की मौत व अन्य अनेकों स…
What Periyar Said on Dr Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhism
The Chairman of the Vellore Municipal Council has praised me in his welcome address read out today (28th October 1956). You have given me this warm reception in connection with my arrival to un…
Representation Through Reservation
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”- Albert Einstein.
The History of Reservations:
Caste Based Reservation in India…
Dalit Writers – Struggle Against Social Discrimination
Dalit writers are gaining prominence in modern literature. But their beginnings were not all that easy. They had to endure social stigma and isolation from society, especially the upper castes.
बहुजन प्यारे! बौद्ध बनो तुम, खत्म करो नादानी…
बहुजन प्यारे!
बौद्ध बनो तुम,
खत्म करो नादानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
दलितता है कमजोरी और
लाचारी की पहचान
‘दलित’ कहकर खुद का तुम
न करना अब अपमान
बौद्ध-बहुजन अपनी ब…
New research on Aryan Migration: Political Challenge to Hindu Nationalists Led by the Brahmins
In an interesting development in the ,research field, it has been now proved that the “Brahmins”-the priestly classes in India came from “outside” of India. This is strongly established not only by…