Welcome The Blue Dawn – A Mental Health Care Support Group For Bahujans
“What are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is full of inequality, discrimination and other things, which conflict with our fundamen…
The Riddle of Rama and Krishna – By Babasaheb Ambedkar
Quoted from: Appendix No.1 of Part 3 of the book
Riddles of Hinduism 1995
By Dr. Babasaheb B.R. Ambedkar
Ravana was a Buddhist and considered by Dalits as a great hero. He did so much for Sita…
Celebrating Ram Navami? Time to know truth about King Rama
That, without penal sanction the ideal of Chaturvarnya cannot be realized, is proved by the story in the Ramayana of Rama killing Shambuka. Some people seem to blame Rama because he wantonly an…
Dilip Mandal Presents “Thesis on Brahmin Privilege”
In western social science, we have ample literature on white privilege. The most popular of these was written by Peggy Mcintosh in 1989 – of Caucasian descent and equipped with honesty to write abo…
बी.एस.पी. किसी भी राज्य में कांग्रेस पार्टी के साथ किसी भी प्रकार का कोई भी चुनावी समझौता नहीं
बी.एस.पी. की अखिल भारतीय (उत्तर प्रदेश को छोड़कर) आज बैठक में सभी राज्यों से पहले अलग-अलग फिर एक साथ बैठक में चुनावी तैयारियों, पार्टी प्रत्याशियों के चयन व उनके सम्बंधित प्रदेशों की ताजा राजनीतिक स…
Congress would be a liability for BSP-SP in Uttar Pradesh
They Asked Me, “Do You Face Caste Discrimination?” – Everyday Experience of a Dalit Woman
Before starting to write my words I want to give one disclaimer here that whatever I am writing comes from my personal lived experience, so if anyone is hurt because of that, I apologise. If you ar…
Go Back Modi – What Does The Twitter Storm Indicate?
Modi was greeted with black flags in his last visit to Tamil Nadu and this time #GoBackModi is trending ahead. Modi represents what can go wrong with Indian nation and Indian democracy. We have to …
How Is India Broken Into Pieces By RSS/BJP?
Our founding actors of Indian constitution arrived at a least common denominator after a long consultation, discussion, and deliberation which would unite the heterogeneous population. The constitu…
Stories of Discrimination in Kerala
Kerala boasted of a development model. The false claim of development was busted by the massive floods that wrecked the state infrastructure and left many, particularly Dalits and Adivasis, homeles…
Injustice By The Justice
Justice! Yes, I am talking about justice and the Justice! What is justice, ask a jurist or learned scholar and he will give hefty definitions of the simple term “justice = Insaf = Nyaya”. And ask t…
Relief Discrimination – Even Natural Disasters Cannot Wipe Out Caste Lines
In Kerala, the Dalits are discriminated against during the relief work. During the natural disasters, humanity becomes helpless and many hands come to rescue the affected people. It is heartening t…
Poems of Buddhist Monk, Manhae – Liberation Through Love
Manhae was a Buddhist monk born in South Korea. Besides devoting his life to serve the Buddha Dhamma, he was in the forefront in the politics and he practiced what is today known as “socially engag…
मुर्दाबाद के नारो के बीच संविधान और आंबेडकर
समकालीन परिपेक्ष मे घटित होने वाली निराशाजनक घटनाये निश्चित ही चिंता का विषय है. भारतीय लोकतंत्र जहा हम सभी को अभिव्यक्ती की स्वतंत्रता प्रदान करता है वही बुनियादी अधिकरो के साथ कुछ कर्तव्य भी निर्…
Analyzing The Independence Day Speech of Modi
When the power was transferred to the Indians in 1947, it was the result of the decades-long political process. The process of progressive transfer of power to Indians began in 1917 in the middle o…