2019 Padmashree Daya Pawar Memorial Award for Sheetal Sathe
This year, ‘Padmashri Daya Pawar Smruti Puraskar’ (Padmashri Daya Pawar Memorial Award) was awarded to Meghana Pethe, Sheetal Sathe and Malika Amar Shaikh. This award is given in memory of Padmashr…
Higher Castes Have Conspired To Keep Lower Castes Down – Dr Ambedkar
Not only has the Hindu made no effort for the humanitarian cause of civilizing the savages, but the higher-caste Hindus have deliberately prevented the lower castes who are within the pale of Hindu…
The Roma
The Roma previously known as the ‘gypsies’ and now as the Roma, have been persecuted throughout history. They have been subjected to utmost cruelty and oppression especially during the time of inte…
Buddhist History of Books and Their Making
In ancient times, the knowledge was generally transmitted by spoken words. The written words, particularly orthography, was not so developed though the written language was used. In history, the pi…
Doha: Saraha, Kabir, and Drukpa
Dohas were composed in Apbhransha language. While Sanskrit was considered to be god’s language, Prakit as people’s language, Apbhransha as the language of the outcasts, and Picchachi that of the de…
Dr Ambedkar’s Letter to W. E. B. Du Bois, July 1946
Undated letter from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to W.E.B. Du Bois, most likely written in 1946. The letter inquires about the National Negro Congress petition to the United Nations, which attempted to secure…
What 2 Job Notifications Tell Us About Reservation And Caste System?
It should not surprise anyone that when it comes to the appointment of SC/ST/OBCs to jobs, rules and regulations have been ignored many times leading to many vacant positions.
Leaving SC/ST/OBCs…
Dr. Ambedkar and Simon Commission – Evidence of Dr Ambedkar before the Indian Statutory Commission
Following text is from Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches, Vol. 2. Page 459
Dr. Ambedkar with the Simon Commission
Ballia DM Apologized After Dalits’ Protest With #ShoesForTheDM
If you don’t know the case, you should read this post before reading further Why Dalits Are Posting Pictures Of Cars And Shoes With #ShoesForTheDM
From last 2 days, Dalits on social media have b…
Wheel of Life: A Device to Teach Buddhism
The Buddha was the great teacher of humanity. He used many pedagogical tools, techniques, and devices to teach Buddhism. The Buddhist sutras, the parables and allegories in those Sutras, the tales …
Guru Ravidas and Anti-Caste Movement
Author – Kuldip Kumar
Before saying anything about the struggle of Guru Ravidas, it will be appropriate if we know something about the history of Brahmanic terror of casteism that prompted the r…
May Long Live Humanity, Long Live Truth!
‘Truth’ is also relative.
There is no universal, objective truth according to relativism; rather each point of view has its own truth. Truth relativism is the doctrine that there are no absolute…
Why Dalits Are Posting Pictures Of Cars And Shoes With #ShoesForTheDM
On 29 August, a video from Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh appeared on social media. In the video, it was clear that Dalit students were made to sit separately from other students while eating mid…
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Barrister-at-Law
Vijay B. Gaikwad compiled two volumes of Court Cases argued by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. We know Babasaheb Ambedkar as the genius who drafted the constitution of India. He was the constitutional lawy…
[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Books in Marathi
After a long search (believe us it was really long – almost 2 years!) we are able to get a few of Dr Ambedkar’s books in Marathi! A kind friend pointed us in the right direction and here we are wit…