यह सभयता पुरानी है।
यह सभयता हिंदुस्तानी है,
यह सभयता हिंदुस्तानी है।
महामारी आती जानी है,
गरीब ने जान गंवानी है
यह सभयता हिंदुस्तानी है।
दो चूंन की भूख में
इंसान ने गुलामी निभानी है
मज़दूर की मेहनत की कमाई पर
8 Key Recommendation From ISDN To Prevent Discrimination In COVID-19 Relief
As COVID-19 sweeps across the world, it is crucial that we ensure that relief, health services and awareness-raising efforts are inclusive and accessible to all irrespective of caste, ethnicity, ra…
Coronavirus – Human – Humanity
Today, the whole of humanity, the whole world is going through a crisis. Before this, various other crises must have come and we have reached here only by facing those. The present crisis, we also …
Why Is It Futile To Expect Charity From The Business Class Of India?
“Go into the field of charity. With one or two exceptions all charity in India is communal. If a Parsi dies, he leaves his money for Parsis. If a Jain dies, he leaves his money for Jains. If a Marw…
Appeal To Support Sunyatee International Foundation (SIF)
Appeal for funding: Your donations will be matched by the SIF to double the impact.
Sunyatee International Foundation (SIF) is registered as a Non-Government company under section 8 of the Compa…
Corona Virus vs Caste Virus – Caste Hindus Justifying Untouchability In The Times Of Corona
In this 21st century, modern man has been witnessing the great developments in the fields of Science and Technology. It plays a key role in improving the quality of education, infrastructure, and t…
Quora Moderators Hate Ambedkarite Perspective
Reflections On Ghumakkadi In The Time Of Corona Lockdown
Wandering is wondering about people and places. And the wanderers have changed the fate of humanity. Wandering is also educative process and it can humanise us by exposing us to diverse cultures, w…
How Brahminism Works and Thrives
Recently there was a tweet from journalist Rana Ayyub, which talked about the morality of India in the times of Corona and she mentioned what is left for Corona to kill in the morally corrupt natio…
What Can We Learn From Corona Crisis?
What is the reality of human beings and ” What surrounds them” has been an existential question. Though we will not take an “anthropocentric” approach to the existence, the limitation of being endo…
Karuna In The Time Of Corona
As the skies fell down on the poor, marginalized, daily-wage Indians, a good chunk of whom are bahujans, various individuals and organizations tried to step in to help in whichever way they could. …
#BanRamayana – How Ramayana Radicalized Hindus and Brought Hindutva Nationalism Forefront
Read it in Hindi from रामायण ने हिंदुओ को कैसे कट्टरपंथी बनाया और हिन्दुत्व राष्ट्रवाद को आगे लाया
“I told my father that I did not like any of the figures in Mahabharata. I said, “I do not li…
Helping Community During Corona Virus Lockdown
As Narendra Modi declared lockdown till April 15, India will be shut. First time in the history of the world, 1.4 billion people will be confined to their houses. This curfew-like situation is sure…
Modi’s Approach of Handling Corona – Fighting Fire Blindfolded
As it is clear the epicentre of Corona has now shifted and in Italy alone more people have died comparable to China. China, South Korea, and Singapore effectively restricted the spread of Virus and…
Where is the Caring Government in India?
Babasaheb Ambedkar defined one of the roles of the state (Government) as ensuring to its citizens’ freedom from want and freedom from fear. To tackle the big problems like contagious diseases, plan…