When Babasaheb sought Shahu Maharaja’s financial support
C/o Henry S. King & Co.
9. Pall Mall, London S.W.
4th September 1921
My Dear Maharajasaheb,
As directed by Mr. Dalvi I am placing my financial difficulties be…
26 June 1874: Birth anniversary of Rajarshi Shahu Chatrapati Maharaj.
Shahu was born on 26 June 1874 as Yeshwantrao Ghatge, eldest son of Appasaheb Ghatge, chief of Kagal (senior) by his wife Radhabai, a daughter of the Raja of Mudhol . He was adopted by Anandibai, w…
Support Sakya Hostel Students
Did you know that Tsunami affected orphan Dalit children are still facing problems in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India) even after 6-7 years? We all know in the relief process at the time tsunami hit I…
CasteWatchUK Conference – “Caste & Equality Act – Next Steps”
Untouchables (Dalits) are made “Religious, Economic and Political Slaves” by “Hindu Caste System”.
A bit of background:
Reports (July, 2006) of “Dalit Solidarity Network UK (DSN)” clearly show…
The Snake That Ate Dinosaurs
Please have a look at the ebook “The Snake That Ate Dinosaurs” written by Mr. Mangesh Dhaiwale. This ebook is articles written by Mr. Mangesh Dhaiwale in the year 2010-2011 and I read the ebook in…
Documentary: Walking with the Buddha
Walking with the Buddha is a documentary on life of Lord Buddha & places associated with Lord Buddha.
Walking with the Buddha – Part 1
Parliamentary System Borrowed From Buddhism
It is probable that the tendency towards self-government evidenced by these various forms of corporate activity received fresh impetus from the Buddhist rejection of the authority of the priesthood…
Lord Buddha Television – Trailer
This is an introductory trailor of Lord Buddha TV Channel from Nagpur launched on 14th October 2010 at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur (INDIA). For more information you can email at lordbuddhatv@gmail.com or…
Marathi Books on Dr Ambedkar & Buddha (Free Download)
Please check out few Marathi Books on Dr B R Ambedkar and Buddha from here and here.
Books are published by Vinimay Publications and are available for free download at the following links . You ca…
Best wishes on the Buddha's 2600th Jayanti
Wishing everyone a peaceful and safe Wesak. May all Beings be Well and Happy always.
I also take refuge in the words of the Buddha to be your own guide. Take refuge in your own reason. Do not list…
Caste Discrimination at AIIMS
Check out the CNN-IBN video showing caste discrimination at one of the best college of India!
A survey conducted by …
Essence of Buddhism
I. There is no god (existence of supernatural power) in Buddhism.
II. Buddhism is based on Rationality:
Buddha says on rationality/reasoning:
Do not believe in traditions merely because they hav…
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & His Writings (Published in year)
- Castes in India, May 1916
- The National Dividend of India, 1916
- Small Holdings in India and Their Remedies, 1917
- Weekly ‘Mook Nayak’, Started 31st January 1920
- Provincial Decentralisation of…
Murdering Dalit Students!
Here is the list of the Dalit students who have committed suicide in last four years. This is by no means an exhaustive list but covers only those cases which we were able to document and where par…
Tribute to Dr Ambedkar at Columbia University (USA)
Watch this video on how Columbia university paid tribute to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Interested in Dr B R Ambedkar Books? Have a look at this lin…