Mahatma Jotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule’s Contribution Towards Women Empowerment
To celebrate Women’s Day without recognising the contribution of Dr Ambedkar, Savitribai Phule, and Mahatma Jotiba Phule is hypocrisy and shameful act. Savitribai Phule and Jotiba Phule worked imme…
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and International Women’s Day
Not many people know that Dr. Ambedkar always worked hard to uplift the situation of women in Indian society. Here are few of the less known quote/ideas/thoughts/work from Dr. Ambedkar on women emp…
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Fight for Women’s Rights
Cartoon published in Shankar’s Weekly in December 1949. Dr Ambedkar holding the hand of a little girl named Hindu code bill and leading her towards the Parliament and a Brahmin holding an axe in ha…
India and Untouchables
Read also – Know how much our forefathers suffered because of caste system
Check also – The Annihilation of Caste
Read also – Dr. Ambedkar as an Economist
Holi – A Festival To Commemorate Bahujan Burning
Holi – What is it and how did it originate?
It is well known that Holi forms one of the important festivals among the Hindus. It is supposed to be festival of Shudras, and is one of the three most…
What Saint Tukaram Said
He’s not a Brahman who abhors
the touch of a mahar,
What retribution can he pay?
he won’t throw his life away!
A chandal drives him wild,
it’s his heart that’s defiled.
Tuka says, his caste’s defin…
Brahmins and Beef Eating – What Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Said
Beef Eating Brahmins. When did they stop eating it? Why did Brahmins stop eating beef? Read What Dr Ambedkar had said about these questions.
(Excerpted from Chapters 11 to 14 of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’…
Dalits/Adivasis ignored in union budget 2015
Also read – Dalits/Adivasis left out, ‘Sab ka Vikas’ only for corporates
Budget cuts to affect education, health and women’s development most. Dr. Ambedkar had asked governments to spend mos…
Modi Budget: Dalits/Adivasis left out, ‘Sab ka Vikas’ only for corporates
New Delhi: Pursuing unabashedly and openly a pro-corporate policy, the Modi Budget outlines a stark vision of an India that sharply limits budgetary allocations to millions of its poorest and needi…
Siddharth Vihar is gone. And with it, an important piece of Dalit history
Siddharth Vihar, the boys’ hostel in Mumbai that was once the site of important political and cultural activity within the Dalit community, has been demolished. Here’s why the demolition means so m…
How Much Dalits Suffered Because of Hindu Caste System
Here is a list of brutal casteist practices, many of which can still be seen in various parts of the country.
Source – Following excerpt is from “Manu and the Shudras” book by Dr Ambedkar, appeare…
Dr. Ambedkar as an Economist
Caste Discrimination in India
Even today, in some parts of India, you can see such sign posts in-front of the temples.
किसकी चाय बेचता है तू – ब्रजरंजन मणि
किसकी चाय बेचता है तू
~ ब्रजरंजन मणि
अपने को चाय वाला क्यूँ कहता है तू
बात-बात पे नाटक क्यूँ करता है तू
चाय वालों को क्यों बदनाम करता है तू
साफ़ साफ़ बता दे किसकी चाय बेचता है तू !
खून लगाकर अंगूठे प…
22 vows by Dr. Ambedkar in Hindi (In Photos)
Also check – 22 vows by Dr. Ambedkar in Hindi, Marathi and English.