19th June in Dalit History – Foundation of Depressed Class Society by Dr. Ambedkar
19th June in Dalit History – Foundation of Depressed Class Society by Dr. Ambedkar
In the month of June, schools and hostels were opened for untouchables also.
Event on Caste, Gender & Slavery at Geneva
Today at 5pm #HRC29 event on Caste, Gender & Slavery at Geneva.
Dr. Ambedkar's Statue vandalized in Phagwara, Punjab
A statue of Dr. B R Ambedkar was vandalized at village Palahi near in Phagwara district on Sunday. It is such a shameful act. Time and again Dalit heroes statues are vandalized but governments don’…
18th June (1941) in Dalit History – Death Anniversary of Ayyankali
18th June (1941) in Dalit History – Death Anniversary of Ayyankali
Ayyankali, the Dalit firebrand in Kerala who fought Caste apartheid through innovation and resistance that inspires even till tod…
No Home for Dalits and Muslims!
Discrimination against Dalits in India is not new, Hindu caste system has been in practice since thousands of years. Dalits are discriminated in jobs, schools, colleges, etc. At each and every plac…
On 26th June, 'Broken Lives' – Slavery in India, an exhibition in Liverpool, UK
International Slavery Museum turns attention to India
The ‘Broken Lives’ exhibition, opening at the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool on 26 June, provides a window into the experiences of D…
16th June in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar Established the ‘Bombay State Inferior Village Watandar Association’
Traditionally, the Mahars (an earstwhile untouchable caste) were servants to all the village, with a number of responsibilities – they brought wood to the burial grounds, carried off dead animals a…
16th June in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar advised Gandhi to focus on securing full rights for untouchables
16 June 1934: Meeting between Dr Ambedkar and Gandhi, which was as follows:
‘In the afternoon Dr. Ambedkar interviewed Gandhiji along with Dr. Solanki and other friends of his. Gandhiji asked Dr. A…
Badminton Tournament Only for ‘Daivadnya Brahmins’
See the advertisement on a badminton tournament only for ‘daivadnya brahmins’! This is the real face of India and Indians, where people eat among their own castes, play within their castes, marry a…
15th June in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar Proposed the Creation of Election Commission
15 June 1949: Dr. Ambedkar proposed the creation of Election Commission during the constitution debates for article 289, which in the present constitution is article 324.
Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambe…
14th June in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar returned to Bombay from America after receiving Doctor of Law from Columbia University.
14th June in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar returned to Bombay from America on 14 June after receiving Doctor of Law from Columbia University.
14th June in Dalit History – Depressed classes education society established by Dr. Ambedkar
14 June 1928: Depressed classes education society was established by Dr. Ambedkar.
The society was established to spread education amongst untouchables. The Bombay government gave sanction for fiv…
Price of 2 Dalit Lives – Rs. 4 ($0.016)
In Ghoorpur, Allahabad, Brahmans shot dead 2 young Dalits in dispute over rupee 4. It is not the first time such incidents that have come into news. Dalits are killed for having ringtone of Dr. Amb…
Modi Govt. – After independence, 1st govt. run from foreign lands
It was so much in news few days back that Modi made visited 18 countries in 1st year of rule. But it was not much reported that his cabinet also spend almost same time and money visited and wasting…
Dr. Ambedkar Memorial – 26, Alipur Road, Delhi
Dr. Ambedkar Memorial – 26, Alipur Road, Delhi