Japan-Born Buddhist Monk Battling the Caste Dragon
The room goes silent, and when I look up from my recording equipment, an otherworldly figure has entered the room. Its eyes sit deep in their sockets underneath a wrinkled forehead. A strong jaw co…
Babasaheb with Dalit students pursuing higher education in UK
Interesting picture of Babasaheb with Dalit students pursuing higher education in UK. Can you recognize anyone?
Conference on Caste & Development at London on 5th September
In South Asia poverty persists alongside growing wealth. A disproportionate number of those in extreme poverty are Dalits. Poverty, inequality and caste are deeply enmeshed, yet there is little…
Ambedkar ‘s Perspective on Restructuring Indian Nation in the context of Dalit Question
Ambedkar ‘s Perspective on Restructuring Indian Nation in the context of Dalit Question
Sukhadeo Thorat*
The Caste System in its classical form is an unique institution of social go…
3rd August (1947) in Dalit History – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar became 1st Law Minister of Independent India
On 3rd August (1947) names of the cabinet ministers were announced, with Dr Ambedkar as Minister for Law. Dr Ambedkar served as law minister from 3 August 1947 till 27th September 1951 but continue…
Times of India covered Dr. Ambedkar Caravan among Round Table India, NACDOR, APSC and Dalit Camera
Few months back, Al Jazeera show on Dalit History had mentioned comments from the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Caravan. Today, Times of India wrote about Dr. Ambedkar Caravan. Ambedkar Caravan is a social …
Did you know? Mischief of Brahmins
Did you know? Mischief of Brahmins
William Carey was the first one who raised his voice against Sati System in India. Carey used his influential paper, Friend of India (which merged into Calcutta’…
Don't believe Brahmin-Bania media
Whoever writes your history controls your future. Do you want to be ruled by 3% Brahmins? No, then throw away books written by Brahmins and don’t believe Brahmin-Bania media. It lies.
1st August (1920) in Dalit History – Birth anniversary of Annabhau Sathe
1st August in Dalit History – Birth anniversary of Annabhau Sathe
Annabhau Sathe was a social reformer, folk poet, and Dalit writer from Maharashtra, India. Despite lacking formal education, Sath…
[In Hindi] PDF book – Dalit Samaj- Purani Samasyaye Nayee Aakankshaye
This ebook has been sent by BAMCEF Chandigarh to share with everyone. We really appreciate the efforts BAMCEF is making in awakening Dalit-Bahujans. In case you also have anything to share with us,…
1st August (2002) in Dalit History – Government of India issued stamp on Annabhau Sathe
1st August (2002) in Dalit History – Government of India issued stamp on Annabhau Sathe (social reformer, folk poet, and Dalit writer) on 1st August 2002 and declared him as saint of Maharashtra.
Video Celebrates Shaheed Udham Singh
The four-minute video by the group The Ska Vengers takes its title, “Frank Brazil”, from an alias used by Shaheed Udham Singh during an overseas undercover trip. This video is dedicated to Shaheed …
Shaheed Udham Singh’s Last Words
On the 31st July, 1940, Shaheed Udham Singh was hanged at Pentonville jail, London. On the 4th of June in the same year, he had been arraigned before Mr. Justice Atkinson at the Central Criminal Co…
31st July (1940) in Dalit History – Death Anniversary of Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh
31st July (1940) in Dalit History – Death anniversary of Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh
Why don’t governments give importance to Saheed Udham Singh? Is it because he was Dalit? Why does governm…
Death Penalty for Dalits and Minorities only
It is a fact that our legal system is skewed against the poor and marginalized. 94% on Death-Row are Dalits, Minorities, Backward Castes. Isn’t it shameful and discrimination?
So called upper cast…