Which party do you think is the most casteist?
Last week, I asked people on Twitter that what they think about which party is the most casteist? Here are the results. Around 500 people voted and 57% of them think BJP is the the most casteist pa…
Antidote to Moditva
Written by – Nijam Gara
We observed Dr Ambedkar’s 59th death anniversary on December 6th 2015. Coincidentally, also the 23rd anniversary of Babri Masjid demolition. Pertinently, in the midst of a d…
What Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal had Said
“On battlefield sword is Powerful. On the battleground of Philosophy Pen is mighty. On the battlefield of Democracy Vote is almighty. In democracy Rights of every creature is Safeguarded because it…
Few rare pictures of Jogendranath Mandal
Attending the first Labour Conference in Karachi in February,1949.
Members of the working committee, Scheduled Caste Federation, on 2oth Nov, 1946 in Bombay. Dr Ambedkar and Jogendranath are pre…
Now at Kolkata, RSS goons beat Dalits protesting for #JusticeForRohith
After beating Dalits who were protesting in Mumbai for Justice For Rohith, today when India is celebrating Republic Day, RSS goons once again beat Dalit students who were protesting and demanding j…
Kejriwal and AAP – Behind the mask of divinity
Come Republic Day, Babasaheb Ambedkar’s birthday or death anniversary, all Brahmin-Baina political parties starts talking about how great Babasaheb was. These are the only 3 days when these so call…
Rare Photo of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Among Other Dignitaries at India’s first Republic Day Parade
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (sitting in the first row) among other dignitaries at India’s first Republic Day parade.
Ambedkar Dead Is More Dangerous Than Ambedkar Alive
“It is your claim to equality which hurts them. They want to maintain the status quo. If you continue to accept your lowly status ungrudgingly, continue to remain dirty, filthy, backward, ignorant,…
What Kind of Republic are We Celebrating?
India will be celebrating Republic Day tomorrow and I am pondering over the questions whether the spirit of Republic is maintained in India? One meaning of Republic is “a group with a certain equal…
In Mumbai, RSS goons beat Dalits protesting for #JusticeForRohith
Some 500 protesters in Mumbai’s Dharavi protesting for justice for Rohith Vemula were beaten up by goons of RSS. Several protesters sustained injuries including students. Around 10 protesters were…
Facebook India runs according to RSS (Brahmin Terrorist Organisation)!
Today, once again staff at Facebook India office proved that they are also Brahmins! Sanghis have occupied every space. Facebook India removed my post named ‘Welcome to Brahmin India’ and removed t…
#JusticeForRohith – From London to Michigan, San Francisco to Boston to Johannesburg – Protests all over the world
After many protests in India now the demand of #JusticeForRohith has gone global and many organisations and Dalit-Bahujan communities all over the world are demanding justice and punishment for the…
क्लासरूम बनाम स्टाफरूम
भारत के कैंपस में असंतोष सतह के नीच अरसे से खदबदा रहा था. हैदराबाद सेंट्रल यूनिवर्सिटी के पीएचडी स्कॉलर रोहित वेमुला की सांस्थानिक हत्या ने तापमान को बढ़ाकर वहां पहुंचा दिया, जहां यह असंतोष फट पड़ा…
NDTV covered Ambedkar Caravan among Dalit Camera, APSC, Dalit Nation & Dalit Solidarity UK
On 21st January 2016, Ambedkar Caravan’s website and twitter page (@Silent_Steps) was covered on NDTV prime time by Mr. Ravish. Many other twitter handles such as Dalit Camera, Dalit Dhamma, Dalit …
Modi and BJP want Dalits to 'suffer silently'
Few days back AAP wanted Dalits to be REFORMED, today BJP wants Dalits to suffer silently! Both upper castes casteist parties. When Dalits start asserting for rights, it becomes CRYING for so calle…